Heh, well I usually have only used those modules for "labby" type arrangements. I usually rely on a lab module and my ol' CNI for most green stuff.
Faisalbasha: Despite saying "200mW", most of those lasers won't reach 200mW, and a great deal of it will be IR, not green light. Lazerer is probably only offering 100mW ones because that's as high as they'll reliably go, and they might be only counting the green laser power, not the IR. Even if they did reach 200mW, the case and crystals aren't meant for that kind of power and heat and it'll probably die relatively quickly. A lot of peoples' "200mW" green lasers died pretty quickly when they bought them from DX. It's like fitting a cheap rocket engine into a car.
If you want something that'll actually produce 200mW or more, you'll need to buy a better module such as those sold by
Lasever. They cost a bit more, but you'll be receiving the actual output. I was able to buy a
500mW lab laser from Lasever, with a higher-end PSU, some dichro mounts, and $50 for shipping for about $500. In other words, I was paying about $1/mW guaranteed green output. A 200mW laser module would cost you about $240 or so from the Jayrob link above, or 300mW for about $25 more. Of course you need to mount it in something, but you're getting a high quality laser.
So think about saving for a decent 200mW laser, or just accept that 100mW will be about as good as you'll get without overstated specs. You can always buy a 445nm laser if you really want to burn stuff.
Also remember to buy
some goggles. These lasers can very quickly blind you, and it's hard to focus them visually without goggles on because the spot is so bright (especially green). I've actually spent about as much on goggles as lasers (it used to be more on the goggles).