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FrozenGate by Avery

520nm HD 250mA Defiant (extended copper sink)

Jan 8, 2009
Well I had finally put together a 520nm build using a diode from our local supplier
DTR... at this point of the game I did not even think of the efficiency of my diode, but I think I did good:bowdown:.

1. PL520 diode
2. MicroBoost driver set @250mA
3. 1 Home Depot Defiant host 19.00 US.
4. 3 element 445nm lens
5. Copper heatsink, module, driver sink.
6. 1 22500 bat.
7. Arctic silver paste and Arctic ceramic adhesive.

One thing to mention is copper sux to work with:whistle:

Pic of the heatsink next to a 1" bar stock.:)

Using copper means finger prints right:thinking:... no, you must clear coat it:beer:

Why jander, why the copper driver sink?... cause I can. Muhaaaaa:eg:.

I had to make my own contact board as I misplaced the original. I used an old LED board I had laying around and it fit perfect.;)

Finished product. Very clean and solid build, man this little thing is heavy for it's size.


I really like the diode overall, I plan on doing some more builds in the future using this sweet little greenie.:bowdown:


Now for the numbers. I set the little greenie a little hot, so I would call it a little above average I guess I could have drove it higher, yet I think it's fine for now.:beer::yh:

I want to thank those who took part in the murder test thread and other testing threads/info gathering, as always we as a whole make it better for the individuals in this fine hobby. Thanks for looking and get out there and build them folks:thanks::wave:

Great build all the way around. Great work.:beer:
wow. pretty sure 100mW from a diode driven at 250mA, and using not a g lens but a 3 element, means you have a superb diode
^^ for sure. That is quite the reading at that amperage. Have seen them run at over 300ma to produce that much. Great diode for a very nice build
wow, i dig the host, good find. fine build man, looks like a keeper there.
Nice build! I need to get myself a lathe, so i can make my own stuff :P Anyways, 100mW+ at that current is amazing! Very efficient diode you got there :beer:
Copper-sting dark green defiance must feel damn good:). Decent close-to-pocket size, solid weight and strong performance make this specific build quite different if compared to other ones in the 520nm class!

Damn I wish I had a lathe...Great job, that little laser definitely lives up to its name!;) :beer: +1
Another very nice build! Great looking host/heatsink combo, and over 100mW too!
I agree, that clearcoat will keep that copper looking good for a long time. :)
Thanks for the kind words. I really dig this diode I haven't put this build down yet. I only look to put some sweet bright green parachord around it then down with a lanyard.
I DIG it. I suppose that was used in some of the killer beam shots ya posted...dang, inspiration to get me busy with the next project!
Kinda makes me want to buy a new controller board and get my lathe running again :D

Is that the harbor freight 7x10?
I went through a few hi/lo plastic gears before I bought metal replacements for it.
