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FrozenGate by Avery

scopeGuy20s blu blockers!(glenn)


May 20, 2010
hey guys.
does anyone here have a pair of Glenns blu blocker safety glasses and a 445nm laser?
i and a few other people i am sure whant to know if these nice goggles can protect you from the 445nm.
and also a LPM to maesure it.
i would love to hear the results.
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I have them, and mine can't even protect against 100mw of blu-ray. You're risking your eyes with any cheap goggles, get certified ones.
The yellow ones?
I have them and they did a good job against my 540mW br, but for the Arctic I think they´re to weak. They aren´t really for protecting, they just decrease the laser power for your eye. But I wear them sometimes without a laser, world looks like so friendly with them :D
I have some. There is less than 5mW making it through with my 370mW 445nm pointer. I'll try to get a video when I get home from work.
They are inconsistent in OD. Mine lets 20 of 100mW through.
yeah guys i am just wondering!! i am getting them for my 90mW phr i think they are the red lens?
it would be good if they were 445 blockers :p
yeah guys i am just wondering!! i am getting them for my 90mW phr i think they are the red lens?
it would be good if they were 445 blockers :p

Of course those with the red lenses block the phr and are also able to fit with the 445nm
