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FrozenGate by Avery

Quick MX-900 tip for the frugal.


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
I am a big fan of the MX-900, the switches hold up and they are just easy and fairly sturdy.

While making some sinks for myself I discovered a simple short cut for the frugal builder.

It's cool to have something nice made, but for a quick rig 1.5 inch bar stock will work as it bottoms in the heads taper leaving useable space.

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!.5 inch bar stock fits snug thats great thanks for sharing this idea very useful ..
I have found that not every manufacture of the MX-900 is exactly the same, some of my extensions fit and some are loose, but if you get a ring that the inner does not quite want to accept the 1.5 inch bar, just hit it with a little sandpaper inside the ring and jam that sucker in.

I really want to get a lathe, I can see 3 x 18650's in a triangle pattern for the handle and all my lasers and optics compressed down so it's all the length of a normal flashlight, with some cool deep fins. I want to correct 2 nubm44's and combine them with one tuned to near/medium and the other tuned to medium far, it should make a nice combo.
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I checked over all 4 of my MX-900 and they actually are different in color as I thought. Only the one I just got that you linked to has the removable section which is actually pretty cool as even though we are talking about making a longer one I've never seen anyone build a shorter one.
Good luck with that potential project.
I checked over all 4 of my MX-900 and they actually are different in color as I thought. Only the one I just got that you linked to has the removable section which is actually pretty cool as even though we are talking about making a longer one I've never seen anyone build a shorter one.
Good luck with that potential project.

Sweet! Hopefully mine will also, gonna go ahead and order another from the link R/C shared

Looks like mine may be here tue.
Came today! Having trouble unscrewing pill, any suggestions?
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Hi Red, my nd came in, having trouble unscrewing the pill, any suggestions? (My mx isn't 1cell capable)

Got it! Backwards threads

Wow! Solid brass pill, heavy, nice
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They unscrew kind of funny. You have to turn the light piece with it or something if I remember right.
The LED and heat sink is (((( Reverse Threaded )))) if it has no holes drill one on each side.

The spring board has the flashlight driver on the back, I just cut all the parts off with flush cutters or you can unsolder but I chop it all off, drill a hole in the center and widen the edge notch then I solder on my own wires.

Be sure to check for shorts, there never are any, but check it good. Make sure your positive wire has insulation pushed up through the center hole you drill in the board so nothing can short out, there's a generous center pad to solder to with the spring, it's a nice spring board.

Sometimes I use heat shrink, it's really just common sense but always protect your eyes and keep your laser pointed in a safe direction, even when it's turned off. Safety first my friend. :)

The center part with the 2 side holes knocks out the front, hammer + screwdriver = smile.

Drill a 12mm hole and thread a couple set screw holes in a length of 1.5 rod, sand the inner lip if needed and jam it in, couldn't be much easier.

The reflector unscrews.

Some pills are brass and some are aluminum, but they are all reverse threads.
Some have 2 little screws that hold the board in, those were earlier ones, but they all work for our purpose just fine. :)

Here's some pics:









That last pic was of a 1.25 inch bar, use the 1.5 inch.
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You would think I'd be sick of MX-900's but they are just so handy.

I buy the ones that you can take apart and run on 1 cell or two and that lets me add a 3rd 26650 for my NUBM44 burners and I have a stack of single cell units building up, they are still decent flashlights, but these little AW 18350's provide plenty of punch for 3 watt diodes like this NDB7875.




Here's where I have been buying them lately.

I think I may try some of these for more compact builds, maybe DTR's 20 or 25mm modules will fit or be close enough some sanding will do the trick, they are cheap enough, I think I will try some, has anyone else?

P.S. Has anyone found any really cool FL hosts?
I like sturdy switches, that's the big unknown.


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If you have a drill press they are super easy, you just need a 12mm drill bit and I like 8/32 drill and tap, 6/32 is good too, but 8/32 is a lot stronger.

They are dirt cheap on ebay, the 1 1/2 bar stock is cheap too, I buy several 1 1/2 by 12 inch long bars, but you can get it pre cut in 2,3,4 inch long pieces if you want.

Then you can drill tap and screw together anything you want to the basic unit, I like the many finned heat sinks you can find on ebay, just drill the center out 12mm and drill and tap for set screws and screw it all together.

The best thing about the MX-900 is it has a good switch that can take the current for a NUBM44 and it's driver board is reusable, that is I cut off the electronics and just use the spring board attaching my own wires, check that you have no shorts, I never do.

Here's some misc pics, some I used other sinks but same principal, you can attach anything to the 1 1/2 chunk, just add a couple screws through the flashlight ring into the sink to be sure it stays put.









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I've got a few of these but the heads turn about 1/8" and stop I'm guessing the pill is preventing thme to come apart.. guess it's my turn for some mx900 builds.
YES, the pill is REVERSE threaded and prevents disassembly of the head/battery tube until it is unscrewed.

I often drill 2 small holes in the pill rim, but you can use a pair of needle nose and use the wire slots under the LED board, it lifts out as the reflector is all that holds it in place, or you can leave it in place and use the wire slots to unscrew the pill.




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Yes thanks cowboy I got it out and did exactly what you had done in your posts above before I even read your reply lol.

You got any extra stock around to make me one? I don't have access to my drill press or vise atm.. I can't chuck up a 12mm bit in my snap on drill as it's a 3/8 and just barely to small. Lmk if you would be able to and ship me one/price.

/edit the guy working on my press said he will have the new stand and vise table welded up by end of the week but I will take one from you if you want to sell one thx
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