While everything below is and was true at it's time, new medical information has shown that this was not laser damage. Regardless, treat them with respect.
Yeah so, I'm obviously not a regular poster here, but I read a lot and have built quite a few 445nm units for friends, a 660, a 532, etc. I also have good OD4 glasses. In-fact when I first got the glasses I placed them in front of a 1.4W 445 to see if the beam would go through, I was surprised to see the glasses start to melt where the beam was hitting it. So I know the dangers, and have proper protection
Of course great glasses aren't worth a shit if you're not wearing them at the time. 1am Friday morning I'm star pointing with a chart, not an (complete) idiot, not stupid enough to aim at anything I don't know what it is first. Well there's this black mesh with about a 1cm spacings in it that I'm shining the beam through. I had the laser placed through an opening, however I moved the beam, and light flashed off a black thread under a foot from my eye.
Next couple of days I notice a spot in my vision of my right eye, like if I'm reading and I close the left eye, letters on the page will disappear from the spot on my right eye.
This morning I saw an eye doctor, hoping against hope but going in fairly certain I had given myself flash burn. I told him what happened, and that I'm not talking about some crap WalMart laser here. Did some eye tests, cover this eye what can you read, cover that eye what can you read. Was interesting I could read better with my left eye than right.
So they dilate my pupils and mister MD gets up close and personal with his tech stuff. That was an interesting experience, having a light stuck directly into your eye, a horizontal beam, not unlike the shape of a 445nm beam, and you can see it pan back and forth, I could see the blood vessels in my own eye while he was doing it.
So the verdict, I flash burned part of my retina. I still have 20/20 vision, just a dead spot that my brain will try to correct over time, and the eye -might- heal, but that it's likely permanent.
Here's where I got lucky, the burn was literally under a mm from my fovea. The doctor said had it been off just that much more I'd have 20/400 vision and that my right eye would be basically shot. I go back in a month to see if anything has changed, I asked about possibly surgeries, but he said there's little that can be done.
I've read the horror thread on here and seen the pictures of the poor fellow who's retina was just a huge black burn mark, my picture looked a lot more normal but you can see the burn on it. I don't have a copy of it today, but I will post it when I get it.
Eye protection isn't worth anything if you're not wearing it and you'll get flash burned from something totally innocent and unexpected, learn from my mistake.
Yeah so, I'm obviously not a regular poster here, but I read a lot and have built quite a few 445nm units for friends, a 660, a 532, etc. I also have good OD4 glasses. In-fact when I first got the glasses I placed them in front of a 1.4W 445 to see if the beam would go through, I was surprised to see the glasses start to melt where the beam was hitting it. So I know the dangers, and have proper protection
Of course great glasses aren't worth a shit if you're not wearing them at the time. 1am Friday morning I'm star pointing with a chart, not an (complete) idiot, not stupid enough to aim at anything I don't know what it is first. Well there's this black mesh with about a 1cm spacings in it that I'm shining the beam through. I had the laser placed through an opening, however I moved the beam, and light flashed off a black thread under a foot from my eye.
Next couple of days I notice a spot in my vision of my right eye, like if I'm reading and I close the left eye, letters on the page will disappear from the spot on my right eye.
This morning I saw an eye doctor, hoping against hope but going in fairly certain I had given myself flash burn. I told him what happened, and that I'm not talking about some crap WalMart laser here. Did some eye tests, cover this eye what can you read, cover that eye what can you read. Was interesting I could read better with my left eye than right.
So they dilate my pupils and mister MD gets up close and personal with his tech stuff. That was an interesting experience, having a light stuck directly into your eye, a horizontal beam, not unlike the shape of a 445nm beam, and you can see it pan back and forth, I could see the blood vessels in my own eye while he was doing it.
So the verdict, I flash burned part of my retina. I still have 20/20 vision, just a dead spot that my brain will try to correct over time, and the eye -might- heal, but that it's likely permanent.
Here's where I got lucky, the burn was literally under a mm from my fovea. The doctor said had it been off just that much more I'd have 20/400 vision and that my right eye would be basically shot. I go back in a month to see if anything has changed, I asked about possibly surgeries, but he said there's little that can be done.
I've read the horror thread on here and seen the pictures of the poor fellow who's retina was just a huge black burn mark, my picture looked a lot more normal but you can see the burn on it. I don't have a copy of it today, but I will post it when I get it.
Eye protection isn't worth anything if you're not wearing it and you'll get flash burned from something totally innocent and unexpected, learn from my mistake.

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