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FrozenGate by Avery

HELP! Can't connect to site on home wifi


Nov 28, 2012
I don't know what happened but yesterday at some point all of a sudden I couldn't get into the site. I assumed something was wrong on Avery end but when I tried today turning wifi off I got in. It doesn't matter if I use a wired or wireless connection I can't get to the site on anything hooked up through my house.

Somehow the site is being blocked as every single other site works. Please help.

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What error message does it give you when you can't connect, and what kind of router do you have?
Just a simple
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Have the cable modem Ubee DVW3201
ROUTER is a Net gear wndr3400v3

Just going off my old wired main computer. Like I said, this site is the only problem. No idea what I did to cause an issue.
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Just a simple
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Try reloading: laserpointerforums.com

Have the cable modem Ubee DVW3201
ROUTER is a Net gear wndr3400v3

Just going off my old wired main computer. Like I said, this site is the only problem. No idea what I did to cause an issue.

If it's on every device on your network, you're definitely going to want to check any parental restrictions on your router. You can access its controls through the Netgear Genie app/program or by typing the router's IP in a browser (usually Default account is usually admin; password.

If the issue's on a single computer or browser, empty your cache and cookies.

Also, look at the more details section under the error message.
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I got there and now what?
There's basic and advanced plus it shows there is a firmware upgrade

Remember that EVERYTHING else works. No problems getting to any other site regardless of type of connection.
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Just look around for a parental controls or restrictions tab. Should be available in both the advanced and normal mode. You can decide if you want to do a firmware upgrade. It can sometimes resolve performance issues.

I'm aware everything else works. This is to find if there's a specific restriction on lpf.
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Parental controls are not enabled and that wasn't changed. They have never been enabled to my knowledge

Isn't there some way to check an individual site for any restrictions?
Parental controls are not enabled and that wasn't changed. They have never been enabled to my knowledge

Isn't there some way to check an individual site for any restrictions?

If every device and browser on your network can't access it, there must be a service restriction. Just to confirm, have you tried any other browsers aside from Chrome?

Since your modem doesn't seem to have that functionality, the router is definitely the prime suspect. Generally, home Netgear routers won't do restrictions outside of parental controls. I'm not sure how your UI is set up, but you may also want to browse around for a separate restrictions setting.

Also, yes. Rebooting the router would be a good idea at this point.
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It will take about 20 minutes as I'm waiting for my son to finish an online game.
I just find it very weird that there's no issue with any other site but this one and it doesn't matter what platform I use or whether it is a wired or wireless connection. I can't come up with a single thing that I did that would have caused an issue.
How does someone block anyone from visiting one particular site on their whole house? It has to be in the modem but I am not using any parental controls and why would this site get blocked anyways when it isnt blocked at my church?

K, I'm rebooting them after deleting cookies and we shall see what happens. Back in a few minutes.

Did not work:(
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It will take about 20 minutes as I'm waiting for my son to finish an online game.
I just find it very weird that there's no issue with any other site but this one and it doesn't matter what platform I use or whether it is a wired or wireless connection. I can't come up with a single thing that I did that would have caused an issue.
How does someone block anyone from visiting one particular site on their whole house? It has to be in the modem but I am not using any parental controls and why would this site get blocked anyways when it isnt blocked at my church?

Sometimes happens randomly. Usually, it's after a site update that puts the cache data in disagreement in a website. This keeps a user from being able to access a site in their main browser, but not necessarily on others.

Otherwise, sometimes odd things happen with parental controls or the DNS cache of various network devices that stop up access to particular sites. Security settings also can cause issues.

To help knock out other issues. Reboot the modem as well as the router.
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It will take about 20 minutes as I'm waiting for my son to finish an online game.
I just find it very weird that there's no issue with any other site but this one and it doesn't matter what platform I use or whether it is a wired or wireless connection. I can't come up with a single thing that I did that would have caused an issue.
How does someone block anyone from visiting one particular site on their whole house? It has to be in the modem but I am not using any parental controls and why would this site get blocked anyways when it isnt blocked at my church?

K, I'm rebooting them after deleting cookies and we shall see what happens. Back in a few minutes.

Did not work:(

Okay, we're going to need to figure out if it's the router or modem, so I suggest unplugging the router and plugging your hardwired computer directly into your modem to test it out. You have to turn your modem off when you unplug your router and turn it back on when your PC is plugged in. Likewise, to plug your router back in, turn the modem off.

Also leave the router off if you do this.
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Worst case scenario, Powercycle the router reset the router with the reset to factory defaults button on the back of both the router and the modem, uninstall chrome and reinstall. Start with all fresh settings.
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Worst case scenario, reset the modem and the router with the reset to factory defaults button on the back of both the router and the modem, uninstall chrome and reinstall. Start with all fresh settings.

You can do this with the router and your computer, BUT DO NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR MODEM. Depending upon how the ISP configured the modem, this can cause a huge headache.
Pman, this is the site that you repeatedly went in and editted to add info too. What could you have done to your knowledge while finishing the last edit?
