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FrozenGate by Avery

The Future of the LP hobby

Feb 25, 2010
Well....I will start this off with a few random thoughts and comments !!

1) It is impossible to make laws that enforce common sense.

2) We have laws, that are a consensus, that reflect our combined moral standards. BUT...history shows that very stupid laws have been enacted....and later retracted. I refer to the Prohibition Era... from 1920~1933 in the USA. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_United_States

3) Prohibition laws against Laser ownership may be enacted again, especially if politicians see it to be furthering their career.

4) The typical politician is driven by crowd/popular mentality...so....whatever is the Witch Hunt of the day.....will be their cause to maximize the likelihood of re-election.

5) Our hobby has no lobby base to protect it....as with gun ownership. Therefore, with minimal co-lateral damage to their career path, politicians may act in a Knee Jerk fashion...if things get bad enough....and they see value in doing so !

6) Our Hobby is at risk ! Will Laser pointers end up being regulated like a pistol or rifle ? Could be ?

7) Final thought....If Alcohol sales, with huge popular demand for the product, with a huge and likely extremely well funded lobby group could not prevent Prohibition.... what chance do we have to avoid this possibility ??? ... especially if Laser incidents continue to make national news !! We need to self regulate as best we can ! We need to educate the uneducated !!! We need to fight....for the right....to Lase !!!

Jump in....agree or disagree with my comments...does not matter ! What matters is that we do discuss this issue....and do what we can !!
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See post #1625

And post #53

Theres much to say about this site and how things have changed since I joined and much not for the better but I would rather see everyone come together than start a storm because emotions would likely rule over common sense. I've seen it over and over and so have the rest of you.

I am tired of the verbal bullying that is way too prevalent here. It's childish nonsense and if we want this forum to be taken seriously only each individual can stop it. Noone has to deliberately respond to a post just to be a jerk. It's a choice. There have been numerous complaints about it and the # of active members and donations show it. Have heard from too many new members afraid to ask questions openly. Lets stop scaring away people for asking simple questions when they just arrived unless it is actually warranted.
It's also a choice to respond when something seems off. I do believe that most members know when someone steps out of bounds in what they say. Safety issues are another matter completely and we cannot allow certain talk to be left unchecked.
I won't comment on the rules for having Vet status but things are much more serious and much more laid back there not to mention sometimes very boring lol. I personally like it for those who have proven they can live in our house and not get kicked out. I realize there are many members with less than the requirements that are very knowledgeable and some members have been here a long time but just don't post much so don't think for a moment that I can't sympathize.
The news is no laughing matter. As long as there's a story to tell that can be sensationalized fairly or not it will continue. I will say and I bet most would agree that the biggest issue by far is drone idiots. Actual flying object with mass is going to cause a disaster. I can't stand either one and I know that's likely just about every member here.

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Its a dam shame it might come to this. I honestly feel that the lasers being used to lase an aircraft are the 4$ ebay pen style lasers. I've brought this up at a bar just to see how many people have actually tried it or said they would try it. I was shocked when I heard what they had to say! Everyone I asked but maybe 2 of them said they have tried it or want to try it. These were grown ass adults saying this! If there weren't so many of them I would of smacked a few around lol. But all I could do was explain why its a bad idea. Of course non of them agreed. I'm not sure how others would feel about maybe not making it so easy on ebay to buy one? I honestly don't no how you can tackle such a problem? sure educating is the best way to go about this but these people don't care! you cant teach common sense!!!
See post #1625
http://laserpointerforums.com/f56/donating-lpf-26307-102.html#post1371108 I will say and I bet most would agree that the biggest issue by far is drone idiots. Actual flying object with mass is going to cause a disaster. I can't stand either one and I know that's likely just about every member here.


Well it looks like they are developing a defense to these potential menacing drones and one way is to use lasers! :eg:

Drone?disruptions?send?engineers?seeking?defenses | AOL Features

As far as those hurting our hobby with their infantile idiotic use of pointing lasers where they shouldn't I wish I knew how best to deal with them before something really bad happens but it seems there is no one answer other than hoping that educating the public can help before it's too late. :scowl:
Ignorant question but how and how good for the hobby would it be if this forum made such a strong stand against ebay purchases. Is this not the holy grail of laser forums?

You misinterpret how I ment it!
Great thoughts Bob ,thanks for sharing ..I would like to add that its particularly not a good or bad thing , obviously some idiots cannot ruin the entire hobby but they just might enforce laws pertaining to idiots not having the lasers in the first place, so that is a positive thing.. A laser enthusiast is just as much hobbyist with or without the laws, just my 0.02
Hopefully there will always remain a way for responsible enthusiasts and hobbyists to have and enjoy lasers.

All we can do as LPF people on LPF is let people know what is responsible use and behavior with lasers, what is not, and what is outlaw behavior and criminal acts with lasers and the penalty that can be applied if caught and convicted.

If it is a choice for lawmakers between FAA concerns, pilot safety, safer air travel at takeoff and landing, and a small number laser hobbyists----guess who takes the hit.

Lasers are an interesting and enjoyable hobby for a lot of people. Let's hope that outlaw fringe activity doesn't ruin the hobby by forcing regulators to overly regulate or ban possession.
Just in case someone gets the wrong idea I am no buzzkill. Take a look at my links;) I am all for having a good time:)
LOL no one with that many lasers is by no means a buzz kill!!:eg::wave:
Theres much to say about this site and how things have changed since I joined and much not for the better but I would rather see everyone come together than start a storm because emotions would likely rule over common sense. I've seen it over and over and so have the rest of you.

I am tired of the verbal bullying that is way too prevalent here. It's childish nonsense and if we want this forum to be taken seriously only each individual can stop it. Noone has to deliberately respond to a post just to be a jerk. It's a choice. There have been numerous complaints about it and the # of active members and donations show it. Have heard from too many new members afraid to ask questions openly. Lets stop scaring away people for asking simple questions when they just arrived unless it is actually warranted.



Great thoughts Bob ,thanks for sharing ..I would like to add that its particularly not a good or bad thing , obviously some idiots cannot ruin the entire hobby but they just might enforce laws pertaining to idiots not having the lasers in the first place, so that is a positive thing.. A laser enthusiast is just as much hobbyist with or without the laws, just my 0.02

Thanx Sinner ! And thanx to all who responded to my post on this volatile topic !! No easy answer's...that is for sure !! We have dozens of very active members....still left to post !! Step up to the Speakers Corner !!:thanks:
The greatest threat to freedom in the States are the politicians and the media, both will use any story which gets attention. I believe there wouldn't be so much trouble with lasers being aimed at aircraft if the media would just shut the hell up, shootings too. But, we have a free press, so what is there to do except try to educate people.
The media reporting on lasers and drones is not going to go away so there's no choice but to deal with it. They know that something IS going to happen and they will all be able to say they were on top of it beforehand. Yes it is very sensationalized BUT that doesn't mean it's not a big problem and whether we like it or not there's a story to tell.
Media is everywhere and WE are the media. Just how many stories on the news are from someone with a cell phone taking pics/video. As I've said before, it's not just big brother is watching, we are big brother.
The day is going to come when a drone actually hits an airplane and I can't stand thinking about it. It has nothing to do with the drone itself but the fool wielding it. Don't believe for a moment drones or lasers need to be outlawed. It has nothing to do with the actual object.
Big government is all about power and $. It's beyond difficult for someone to go into politics and not get sucked in. How many laws and regulations are passed that don't have all kinds of trash attached to them that ride along because of lobbying and back deals. If you want to get "this" passed then "this, that and the other 30 things" must get passed with it".
The more government there is the more freedoms we lose. Legislation goes through all the time claiming it's to protect us to keep our freedoms when it's actually bondage in disguise. The more free stuff we demand the bigger government gets, the less free we are and the more broke our country is. Government isn't a self sustaining body. Someone has to pay and I dread the day when other countries come calling asking for their $ back. One does it and the rest will be right behind as everyone wants their slice before there's nothing left. Any country who can't self sustain is at risk.
People have to stop relying so much on government handouts and demanding more and more for nothing in return. Once you give people something it's a nightmare to end it. We become more and more reliant on these things and not just demand them but expect more and more. Exactly where is the $ going to come from to sustain the greed?
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I have spoken in favor of a laser enthusiast association where members can pay dues that support paid lobbyist in the future when it becomes necessary.
But maybe just this once common sense will prevail as lasers are used in so much of our technology and have true scientific value, much still being discovered.
Nice concept huh?
The caveat being we must all be proactive when we see someone doing something stupid, especially on social media because that gets a lot of attention. Flag a video depicting dangerous acts and educate the careless/ignorant. If you warn a dozen people about laser safety and save just one person from a life changing accident then I think it's worth it and it will also serve to preserve our liberty.
Change however is inevitable and at some point we may have to choose to stand together, for freedom is not free, we must be willing to pay for it and protect it again and again.
Today as our political servants are becoming our masters special interest control much. Paid lobbyist get things done, even Donald Trump flat out said he has paid to play in our for sale government.
For instance we know dam well that cigarettes kill, my wife died of lung cancer right in front of me, but for enough money the number 1 cancer causing death and doom poison is still for open sale no permit required other than being 18.
It's all about money and as this once rich mans hobby has become mainstream affordable.
The march of time will bring more output for less money and we may well have issues and choices to make.
Yes it's not a free country, It's pay to play, look at tobacco and the NRA, please tell me if you know a better way, for around the corner is that inevitable day.
Nicely written RedCowboy. So sad but true!

I look at our last centuries history from discovering antibodies mid WWII and going to the moon in 1969 and realize we have squandered so much potential.
Human greed stemming from the need for self preservation that got us to the top of the food chain has also been our downfall along with complacency and outright apathy.
We have done a lot but not nearly as much as we could have and worse yet is our de-evolving of common sense and basic humanity.
I look at our future and hope we can swing things back the right direction but even if we can't I am willing to fight for my/our freedom and accept that risks are involved in trusting others with their freedom.
But freedom galvanized in responsibility has to be for everyone or it can't exist.
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