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FrozenGate by Avery

Probably the Most Expensive Laser on the Forum!

Mine has no shoulder stock -- It is an oversized carbine
style needing two hands. Yes, It is RF excited.

Update... Got my case cut out at work. I cut out the holes, to mount my electronics inside the 9v remote case. Used a Trotec Speedy 300 to cut. The material was not the best suited for laser cutting hence the smoke and sticking parts, but it still cut out perfectly!

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This is my home made Synrad PWM controller. I used an arduino nano which I programmed to give a 1us pulse every 200us. The firmware needs some updating... It needs to only go up to 100% when the laser is at 1% output... that way if in an emergency I need to put the power to 0% I wont have to double click. Other than that... might need a zener diode on the output to prevent the undershoot.

Would a zener be the best solution? or is this more an issue of impedance?

The carbon dioxide laser (Co2 laser) was one of the soonest gas lasers to be produced (designed by Kumar Patel of Bell Labs in 1964, and is still a standout amongst the most convenient. Carbon dioxide lasers are the most elevated force persistent wave lasers that are right now accessible. They are likewise very effective: the degree of yield power to pump force could be as expansive as 20%.
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Best to have a physical emergency stop that kills the power to the laser, especially seeing as it's controlled by code. Can't count how many times a physical e-stop has saved my ass :p
The carbon dioxide laser (Co2 laser) was one of the soonest gas lasers to be produced (designed by Kumar Patel of Bell Labs in 1964, and is still a standout amongst the most convenient. Carbon dioxide lasers are the most elevated force persistent wave lasers that are right now accessible. They are likewise very effective: the degree of yield power to pump force could be as expansive as 20%.

The carbon dioxide laser (Co2 laser) was one of the soonest gas lasers to be produced (designed by Kumar Patel of Bell Labs in 1964, and is still a standout amongst the most convenient. Carbon dioxide lasers are the most elevated force persistent wave lasers that are right now accessible. They are likewise very effective: the degree of yield power to pump force could be as expansive as 20%.

NOOOOO!!!! Unclosed parenthesis!

Best to have a physical emergency stop that kills the power to the laser, especially seeing as it's controlled by code. Can't count how many times a physical e-stop has saved my ass :p

Will do... Thinking of putting it on the PSU. There is a physical switch on the top of the controller that will cut power to the remote... but if the laser itself goes stupid need a emergency cutoff at the powersupply.
Having a look inside a Synrad J48-2S RF excited CO2 laser. Needed a bit of cleaning but otherwise in perfect condition. Power supply and RF boards look in perfect condition.

Next up is rewiring the powersupply and pumping out some photons!
looks like its in good shape, looknig forward to seeing the first light :D
Have fun, be aware though on older J48's the two caps can blow.



ps: Drop Synrad a line and they will send you the correct manual if you give them the tube serial number.


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