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FrozenGate by Avery

Help finding PSU for Argon laser

Mar 12, 2012

It's been a long time since I've played with lasers, or been on the forum, but I just got an argon laser for about $100, and wanted to see the 488nm photons I'd given up on seeing a long time ago. It's a Showa Optronics GLG 3075, but I can't seem to find the specs on this, nor an adequate power supply for it. Could you help me find a power supply that could work with this laser? I've attached pictures of the labels and the end of the umbilical cord of the laser head.


P.S. the 18A label on the fan scares me a little. 18?! I don't even know if my wiring could handle 12A. Could you explain if this is for the fan or the laser?






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Showa generally limits its sales to Japan
Surplus and salvaged components are rare
In addition, the company is NOT very "hobbyist" friendly :(

Things was successful adapting another brand's PSU, but that is the only "success" story I know of

Showa generally limits its sales to Japan
Surplus and salvaged components are rare
In addition, the company is NOT very "hobbyist" friendly :(

Things was successful adapting another brand's PSU, but that is the only "success" story I know of


Oh no, I hope I don't end up paying $100 for a clunky piece of metal :(

Could you elaborate on what the adaptation of a different PSU involved? Or point me to a thread?

Also, I have read that Showa and NEC PSU's were interchangeable, and NEC PSU's seem a tad more common, would I have better luck with those?

Could you post some pics of the whole unit please?

I don't have the laser quite yet, so these are the only pictures I have, but any help would be appreciated.




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Can't help you with the PSU but that fan doesn't draw 18 Amps but 18 watts which based off a 120v system here in the US that's about 0.15A. The fan on mine draws 0.20A

As for how much power the laser will draw I have a multiline JDS Uniphase that puts out 110mw on full power and its PSU draws just over 12A which I power off the dedicated 20A circuit for our washer. If you have a 15A circuit that isn't heavily loaded you should be fine since you normally don't run small air cooled argons like that at full power for very long as it reduces their tube life a lot faster. Of course different lasers and PSUs draw different amounts of power so YMMV. I hope you can get a PSU for it since buy the looks of the warning label that appears to be a multiline argon and those things rock!
Can't help you with the PSU but that fan doesn't draw 18 Amps but 18 watts which based off a 120v system here in the US that's about 0.15A. The fan on mine draws 0.20A

As for how much power the laser will draw I have a multiline JDS Uniphase that puts out 110mw on full power and its PSU draws just over 12A which I power off the dedicated 20A circuit for our washer. If you have a 15A circuit that isn't heavily loaded you should be fine since you normally don't run small air cooled argons like that at full power for very long as it reduces their tube life a lot faster. Of course different lasers and PSUs draw different amounts of power so YMMV. I hope you can get a PSU for it since buy the looks of the warning label that appears to be a multiline argon and those things rock!

Oh. now I see it says 18 WATTS and not 18 AMPS. I feel like a potato. :o

I really hope I can find a PSU. I did see one on ebay, but the seller insisted on getting $400 for it. :undecided:
