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FrozenGate by Avery

Erdabyz's switching laser drivers

Jun 30, 2008
A month or two ago I posted here that i was working on some switching laser diode driver models. I had two models already designed, one capable of 150mA at 5.5V,boost only, and the other capable of up to 1.1A at 5.35V (i know, the voltage is not high enough for 8X's), with 3 user selectable currents that can be changed when running (with push buttons for example) and buck-boost capable (can drive for example a 2.2V diode from a li-ion cell, or a blu-ray too), but it will require diode isolation if using case negative diodes, as it won't be common grounded.

I have another model on its way to be designed, well, it was designed but I have to redesign it to be more efficient. That one will be capable of about 7V at 400mA or more.

Well, yesterday I received my hot air station and I had all the parts to make the 150mA driver so... that's what I did. It works perfectly. It's only designed to drive PHR diodes, and it's a "cheap" driver. I needed it to make a keychain blu-ray laser that would operate with a single AAA li-ion cell (10440) and i can't find them protected, so I added a protection IC that disables the driver if the battery voltage falls below 3.07 volts. It fits into an aixiz or sure module and it doesn't get hot. As it is a low current driver, the current sensing method is just a 12 ohm resistor that drops the feedback voltage at 115mA. That way we loose some efficiency but it doesn't matter for this design.
EDIT: that means that the driver you see in the pictures is set to 115mA, but it can be set to more or less current changing the resistor value.

I only have parts to make 2 more like this, but if you like it and want to buy it i could order some parts and start making them. The price would be somewhere around $10 + shipping. If I remove the battery protector and add a schottky diode, it can drive a PHR at 150mA from a 1.5V AAA cell. So that choice would also be available, and it would be about $1.5 cheaper. (it would still operate with a li-ion cell, but you'll lose the protection feature)

Here are some pictures of the driver already soldered to a PHR and pressed into the host's head. I have yet to solder the spring and the case contact.

And this is how this particular laser will look like once completed (i still haven't received my 10440's :()

It is a keychain build, a very easy one as it requires no machining. I just wrapped some aluminium foil impregnated with thermal compound around the laser module head to fill the 0,2mm existant gap and press-fitted it into the host's head. It won't fall :)

The other driver model will be built when i receive the neccesary coils (probably this week)
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Very cool!!!! Keep up the hard work! We can always use more drivers around here.
I did a new PCB version of this driver to make it smaller and simplify the power connections. As host's case is usually grounded, I use the diode case pin as battery ground. The positive contact is just a copper strip soldered in both sides of the PCB. Soldering looks a bit "bad" but... it's hard to spead soldering paste correctly. However all connections are perfect.

I attach two pictures so you can check how small it is. I coud make it even smaller. Battery protector is in the other side of the PCB.

the second model driver will be done this week.
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I'll send you the 10 bucks right now if you tell me where to send it and you can take your time and build me one . Hows that sound , post reply bud and we'll go from there....
very interesting ! i guess your driver can feed a lpc too with a single 3.7V battery ?
count me for one !
Show me where to send the money and I will take one to test right now!

OK guys, I would gladly send you one of thse drivers, but i'm out of stock.
I had 5 of each IC to make these drivers, and used 2 of them in prototypes (who do work, but have a bad diode connection system that is a pain in the ass to solder), 2 of them for me, and the other got fried during a short circuit. So.... no more of these until I get more citcuits.
But be patient...

I think i'm just gonna post the schematics and PCB layouts for this driver so everyone coud make its own.
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That's not a bad idea to post the Schematic and parts list...
And a PCB layout would really help the DIY crowd on the Forum...;)

Hi, sorry, what are you using ? ..... 63010, or one of this family ?

Asking just cause, if you're using the same ones that i'm experimenting with, no reason for me to publish duplicated (other than this, looks you're more advanced in your project than me, i have not too much free time :p)
impressive! i especially like the li-ion low voltage discharge cutoff!
make more of them, quick! :-)


all hail to hypnotoad!
operation on 2 primary AAA 1.5v batties would work to power a phr as well? (and is it possible to set it to 100mA so not to burn out the 803t too early?)
