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FrozenGate by Avery

HORRIBLE experience with yourlasers.com

Jul 10, 2013
Hello laser pointer forums! I have been an active member of this forum for a while (not registered) but i have read quite a lot of threads. Today i'm gonna tell you a story of - in my opinion - the worst company in the world.
This story goes back about 1 year.

One year ago, i purchased a laser from yourlasers.com ("200"mW red laser pointer) for $38.50 with free shipping. I waited for 6 weeks before i finally got the email that they had sent it. waited another 4 weeks and the laser arrived in my post office. I went to pick it up and when i got home again i noticed that the laser was broken. There was no button in the button hole and there was no button in the package, meaning it was broken before they even sent it out. I was upset, so i tried emailing them. I sent an email describing it was broken on arrival, and i wanted either a new laser or a refund.

The next day i wake up expecting either a very good explanation or some offer to send me a new laser rather cheap. Instead, i get a 3 line email with horrible spelling and grammar btw, telling me to either send it back and pay $10 (including shipping costs there and back) for a new laser, or to just buy a new laser and get a 10% discount. This is absolutely not even remotely acceptable.
I suggest for them to only send the top part of the laser (with the laser module and the button) instead of the whole package, and i'll pay for that shipping. This goes on for a while but in the end they just stop responding.

Fast forward one year, i decide to give them another chance (call me dumb, but i like to give people other chances) So i order another laser from them ("100"mW red) for $20. they were the only ones with the laser i wanted (as far as i knew) so i bought it, waited 2 months, got the shipped email, waited another month, got the laser in my post office. As i went to pick it up, the post office wanted me to pay $35 to pick the laser up. I asked why and they said the company didn't pay for shipping.

I was enraged, since i decided to give them another chance and they come back even more horrible than last time. And as i open the package back home, guess what i see. IT'S BROKEN. I send them a really long and angry email giving them a chance to put things right, and also stop making false claims on their website. a day passes, and they respond with just 2 lines this time. it said:
"Yes,All item showing on our website is with free shipping
As you said,$35.00 is the custom taxes that every customers must paid"

They didn't even mention the fact that the laser was also broken. Anyway, i know for a fact that there is no "customs taxes" since i have order many other lasers with free shipping from many other chinese based companies and they do not have a "customs tax". And also because the people at the post office said that they didn't even pay for shipping, they had me pay for the shipping instead.

And the fact that the customer service said "$35.00 is the customs taxes that every customers must paid" (translation: $35 is the customs tax every customer has to pay) shows that they do indeed make false claims on their website about the free shipping, since $35 is Not free. I'm pretty sure false claims are illegal too.

I sent them another email back, but they haven't responded yet.


That is one reason why you should find out who to buy from before you actually purchase a laser, many many companies are like that.
But thanks for letting us know.
This is NOT news to us- many tried to work with them (YL, Lasersman, Dino Direct and laaserpointerworld are all the same company) while thier staff is heppful the guys who call the shots could not give a rats ass about us.

no preshipping is ever done- why should they? their warranty is BULL- you must pay all shipping so .. they have NO QC- we are the QC. and we must fix our own.

If its quality and great customer support you may not have read enough before choosing YL- they did have several good employees there that tried very hard to take good care of us- but their hands were tied- the sales girls are forbidden to touch any lasers- the ones I was in contact with had never seen a laser projector out of the box..
let alone running-- move on- there are others that are worthy of our biz..


I hope your thread will reach those who have no clue where to buy..
(before its too late)
This is NOT news to us- many tried to work with them (YL, Lasersman, Dino Direct and laaserpointerworld are all the same company) while thier staff is heppful the guys who call the shots could not give a rats ass about us.

no preshipping is ever done- why should they? their warranty is BULL- you must pay all shipping so .. they have NO QC- we are the QC. and we must fix our own.

If its quality and great customer support you may not have read enough before choosing YL- they did have several good employees there that tried very hard to take good care of us- but their hands were tied- the sales girls are forbidden to touch any lasers- the ones I was in contact with had never seen a laser projector out of the box..
let alone running-- move on- there are others that are worthy of our biz..


I hope your thread will reach those who have no clue where to buy..
(before its too late)

So do i :P
Still no response BTW. and if i do get a response i expect to get some bad explanation about why you have to pay for shipping at YL but not at any other laser website ever. Only laser company i've had a good experience with is Budgetgadgets and Wickedlasers.
YEAH-- I never trust a company that asks the buyer to pay for returning a crapped out laser- it is obvious that those who cover shipping will ALWAYS send better items as if they do not it will cost them. JETLASERS is one of the FEW. They offer a LPM reading BEFORE you pay. so do I.

one idea you can try is Pming Cherrylee here ay LPF- the girl currently using that name is a rep for YL and LM- also I would not expect very good service after you run them down--the damage is already done- too late to say n/m.

btw both Budgetgadgets and Wickedlasers have very few fans here-

also until you add your city to your profile do NOT expect much good advice- what is good for USA may be BAD elsewhere-you may as well add your location as we can find it by your IP-- a PITA..
Well i don't really care what happens in this case, or well i do care about the money but i don't expect to get anything from them. Also i warned them in my email that unless you make things right i will tell other users and warn them about your horrible service. I got a 2 line response so i guess that means they ain't gonna even try to do anything for me. If they would have even just tried to make things right i would not have posted this but, you know, what goes around comes around.

why don't wickedlasers and budgetgadgets have good reputation here? :( I love wicked lasers. For example i won an arctic on a facebook competition like 2 years ago, about 2 months ago my battery and endcap and charger all broke and i sent them an email asking what it would cost to send me a new one, since the warranty (which i never even had cause i won it) had run out. They replied asking me for my address and about 5 days later i had a new Core laser, a charger, 2 batteries, and an end cap all for free.

Also i bought a 450mW Krypton, when it arrived it was broken so i sent it back to them (they paid for all the shipping costs) when they sent my krypton back i got a 1080mW (tested) krypton worth triple what i paid for my original krypton, and they didn't even want it back when i told them, they just said "oops, my bad."

So in my opinion they are the best laser company out there.

And also, i added my city now :)
SWEDEN!! wow IIRC we do have a few members from there and now that you added your location one may contact you +3 from me for doing that and a BIG TEXAS welcome!!
the WL story is long and sad- they went from good to just OK to terrible for many reasons- lately them see to be trying harder to be a good company again.

glad to see that WL did take good care of you. Too bad they did not do that for so many others-- their ad campange for the arctic was one of the worst thing for us in general.. It was very clear that sales was about the ONLY thing WL cared about--

For every good story about WL there were dozens of bad ones. We kinda like the companies who have good relations with all ..

Maybe a silly question, but does anyone know if yourlasers.com and yourlaser.com are related?
I doubt it, yourlaser.com looks pretty legit to me. but always be cautious. (except for the somewhat strange choice of name)
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They're hosted by different companies, completely different IPs, and there aren't a lot of intertwined products. I'd guess not.
I have gotten a green pen from them. 20mw, outputted 18mw stable with 3mw ir! Not bad! Might have gotten lucky...
Och jag vart på väg att köpa från dem, tack som fan! Sorry, but it's always nice to meet fellow swedes here :beer: This is just me, but i always go with companies that are well known and are a bit expensive. Always delivers quality products :)
Good day to you!
This is Wendy from yourlasers.com
We heard of the bad experience on yourlasers on laser pointer forum from one of our customers
So We registered it and see your optics
We took over the website from December,Last Year
So We don't know what happened to your first order
As your second order,Yeah,It did cooperation with us
All items showing on our website is with free shipping
We don't know why the customs charge $35 from you
The correct reason is customs tax from Sweden
And Very sorry,We don't receive your mail about this item is broken
Pls take the photos showing It's broken to our mail address service.yourlasers@gmail.com
We'll take care it for you,Thank you in advance
Indeed,We have tested it for several times before shipping,We have Special QC Dept
The possible is bec of the rough steveworkers
And Our warranty stipulations as follows:
Bec the shipping cost is very high backing to us
So pls keep it,We'll send a new one to you,You just pay less shipping cost
Of Course!It's benefit to our customers
Best Regards!
Good day to you!
This is Wendy from yourlasers.com
We heard of the bad experience on yourlasers on laser pointer forum from one of our customers
So We registered it and see your optics
We took over the website from December,Last Year
So We don't know what happened to your first order
As your second order,Yeah,It did cooperation with us
All items showing on our website is with free shipping
We don't know why the customs charge $35 from you
The correct reason is customs tax from Sweden
And Very sorry,We don't receive your mail about this item is broken
Pls take the photos showing It's broken to our mail address service.yourlasers@gmail.com
We'll take care it for you,Thank you in advance
Indeed,We have tested it for several times before shipping,We have Special QC Dept
The possible is bec of the rough steveworkers
And Our warranty stipulations as follows:
Bec the shipping cost is very high backing to us
So pls keep it,We'll send a new one to you,You just pay less shipping cost
Of Course!It's benefit to our customers
Best Regards!

Take it to the PM's or start one thread about it.
Still waiting for my laser from DX.com which I ordered about.... 15 months ago!
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