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FrozenGate by Avery

Nichia 1.4W NDB7675 462nm Laser Diode


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 24, 2010
Nichia 1.4W NDB7675 462nm Laser Diode





First thing I noticed is the beam shape and divergence seems to be the same as the 1.6W NDB7875 445nm diode. Minor differences in shape here is just from small focusing differences.


My camera does not do the best job of picking it up but there is a touch of violet to the NDB7875 445nm compared to the NDB7675 462nm.


Now here is the power test of the diode.


















@ 1.9A the rate of return seemed to be dropping off so no need to push it any further.

There is speculation this is the same production as the NDB7875 but diodes that binned very high and were pulled to sell in different binned lots. I think this make sense as observations seem to show wavelength and efficiency are inversely proportional with the 445nm diodes. Meaning out of X number of the same M140's or NDB7875's the ones that are highly efficient tend to be slightly lower in wavelength and the ones that are high in wavelength tend to be less efficient. This is based off observations from Lazeerer when he binned a large lot of 445 diodes for wavelength and efficiency.

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I'm really looking forward to someone getting a few of these on a spectro. At 200$, 460+nm sounds pretty enticing as is- especially if these drop in price at all. I hope they are all consistently higher in wavelength. It would be cool to get a side-by-side shot with this diode, a 445, and a 473.

Edit: Derr, forgot somethin- THANKS for the tests!
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Thanks for the test! This should be a very pure shade of blue.

Edit: what's the power with the 3-elements lens?
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That's a nice wl! Are these available directly from you DTR? As I don't see them on your site?

Edit.. Scratch that... There they are :-)
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Wow, very interesting. :beer:

New diodes seem to appear quite often recently..
Great test DTR ! Thanks ! :beer: It's really cool watching the color reflected off your heat sink at the different power levels. I'm trying to make myself not get this diode. I don't think I'm going to be successful. :crackup:
I'm sure to buy one of these once you get them in, I never even heard of this wavelength until today
Mine is on route, and I'll spectro it once it arrives, but the shipping from China on this diode is deadly slow (I made the mistake of ordering from eBay, before DTR stocked it).
Mine is on route, and I'll spectro it once it arrives, but the shipping from China on this diode is deadly slow (I made the mistake of ordering from eBay, before DTR stocked it).

Cool ! I'll be glad to see your results ! I'll just wait till DTR gets some in. I thought he had them in stock when I saw them listed. He was just teasing me :) I ordered a 3.5w 445 from China once, I won't say I'll never do that again, but I'll avoid it if possible. :)
There are some single mode aqua nichia diodes that pop up ever now and then. It is always possible that one will come with similar wavelength as this but usually we do hear about diodes before they are available. If there was a single mode diode of this wavelength to come out it would probably be in the 30-120mW range. .:)
Ah, I was afraid it would be one of them "get lucky" diodes. I recently had a streak of some really terrible luck and I no longer have my 476/480, so I wanted the most suitable replacement :o
Yep. That's blue. :) Right at 2w Xdrive set at 2a.
Is it just my imagination or does this diode produce more heat than a 445nm driven at the same current ? It sure seems to get hotter quicker than my 2.3w 445 nm. Glad I used a host with a good heat sink.
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