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FrozenGate by Avery

50mW 561nm PGL-III-C Review

Feb 4, 2010
Well, the review everyone's been waiting for! The third 561nm review...


This is yet another 20mW rated 561nm built by CNI into a portable.

The host: CNI's classic PGL-III-C.

This laser is only missing the 5-second delay from the standard safety features. I personally like my instant gratification when I push that button in. Apart from that, there's the shutter, on-light, keyswitch and pin.



It takes one 18650 battery (NEVER PUT 2 CR2's IN THIS!)


This host is a monster, compared to your average pen laser this is massive!


As for the color... well it lies directly between 532nm and 589nm. It's neither yellow nor green. It's both, and I still can't decide a color to call it other than chartreuse. It's dead center between those...


As for the laser itself, this is much brighter than I expected it to be. It's not quite as bright as 100mW of 589nm, but it's pretty close! It's such a shame I don't have many “common” lasers to compare brightness to... it's very bright any way you put it.

This laser also is VERY temperature sensitive. This laser likes it cold. I actually had this in the freezer before all of the photos were taken. I'm not kidding.

As a note: when this laser arrived it had a horrible amount of splash in it. Theres a piece of paper aside the module holding it in place right now. Reason for it? The module is sitting inside this thing LOOSE! (the head screws off)


Since the temperature needs to stay cool, this laser has a pretty short duty cycle. I'd say maybe 30-45s on, 2 minutes off. If you go much longer than 45s, it drops straight down to what it's advertised to do, 20mW. Speaking of power, this baby doesn't “like” to be on spec at all :whistle:


Not bad!!! This seems to be the average LPM run that I see from this laser. When DJNY sent it to me he put it on his ophir head. In most runs, this laser hits the 53-57mW range once it's warmed up.

I've since seen a higher peak of 72mW after some freezer testing. My graph is on a thermopile LPM, imagine what an ophir would've caught this thing doing! :D

Here's two pics taken of the beam-- first is how it actually looks at night and the second is a long-exposure shot.



Now I'll give you folks what you want, the pics. Special thanks to Trevor for some color correction!






Heh, so here you have it folks, another amazing CNI laser. This time it's a pretty rare wavelength, 561nm. I'd highly recommend buying one of these in a future CNI GB, though I wouldn't expect it to be 200+% overspec like mine. :D

And so the jealousy begins.....
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Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Congratz on your new laser, I bet its simply Awesome!

Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Maybe you Laserbee has a bad calibration :whistle:

I´m regulary confirm laser outputs with other members and CNI to look if I can still trust my Nospin :)

Can´t wait till you get some pics ready! Definitely something where you have to take RAW shots for post-processing.
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

I'd hope it would have a bad calibration showing lower numbers :whistle:

I wonder if I can confirm w/o sending the 561nm.

Anybody want to test my 520nm? I left it on and picked up a buddy of mine... for a half hour :tinfoil:
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Love to see the 561nm color.
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

I could test your 520nm, but i'm sure there's someone closer that would be willing to do it.
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

@Blord: it's slightly more yellow than aryntha's pictures ;)

@awillis: If that's what it comes to I suppose that's alright :p

As for the review-- I may know somebody with a proper camera. I'll find out tomorrow.
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Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Dang, 60mW!
What was it sold as?
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

It was sold as 20mW :D

I tried three other friends-- still no luck for a camera. I'll seek some professionals... uhh soon.
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

I still must say I'm surprised that my one camera can see yellow LEDs and yellow fireflies correctly, but not this laser :undecided:
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Can I ask how much 20mW of 561nm cost you?
Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Havn't seen a single beam yet, but i'm allready drooling all over the floor :D

60mW of orgasm :shhh:

Hahah, Cheers, Sm and congratz on this handheld!

Re: 60mW 561nm PGL-III-C Pre-Review

Far from it Smeer, this is one hell of an ugly color :D

Also, seeing the beam is NO issue here ;)

It's not like I can't just take the pictures now, but I feel... "wrong" hue-ing the colors...


Taking a closer look, even hue-ing it doesn't accurately show the color. It's still a little more yellow than this.
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