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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: Polygon mirror or single axis galvo

Apr 4, 2017

I'm building a DIY spirograph using red and green lasers, see thread here.

I'm looking for a polygon mirror for making a line or liquid sky effect. Perhaps a hexagon mirror with about 1" square sides would be suitable? Must be possible to mount on a motor.

Alternatively, I could go for a single axis galvo. I would need the galvonometer with a driver which I can feed a signal to, I would feed it with a sinewave to make it sweep back and forth.

Must be shipped to the Philippines.

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This is not a duplicate post/thread. I asked if someone knew where to buy a polygon mirror, like from a webshop or something, in the optics section. Here I am posting that I am looking to buy a polygon mirror OR a single axis galvo scanner, if someone has something like that for sale. This is the correct section to ask if someone has it for sale, the "Optics" section is the correct place to ask if someone knows where to buy or where to find it.
Since this will be sitting at the output of a spirograph, it won't be a steady beam but a spirograph pattern, thus a lens wouldn't work. It will have to be large enough to be able to bounce a spirograph pattern off it.
A galvo mirror big enough to bounce a spyrograph pattern? That's gonna be a big galvo mirror
How big is a "standard" galvo mirror? I'm pretty new at this, so forgive my ignorance. :) I gather a mirror of about 20-25 mm squared, or 1" squared should do it.
I considered doing that, was just a bit difficult to know which barcode scanner has a usable scanning assembly for my purpose. If this is a good candidate for that, I may try that one.
Yeah, that assembly would be perfect. Omni directional barcode scanners have a great mirror assembly as well, but so far haven't been able to find parts and buying a complete one just costs too much. :) The cheaper handheld ones seem to use a fixed lens instead of a moving mirror. But if the one linked above has the moving mirror type, then I'll give that a shot.
