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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling LASER Collection

Apr 9, 2010
My girlfriend's insurance decided to stop paying for some of her medications :mad: So, in order to pay for some of that, I am selling some of my LASER collection. I wanted to give you guys a shot at them first. I have the following LASERs for sale:

Jetlasers PL-C 650nm 300mW $150
Jetlasers PL-C 445nm 1000mW $150
Jetlasers PL-C 405nm 500mW $225

Waterproof green laser ~50mW $50

Survival Lasers 2W laser $175
Survival Lasers 2.3W laser with G-1 lens $200

G-1 Lens $20

I would sell everything on the list for $700 shipped.

It wouldn't let me put pictures on here for some reason, so I made a Creigslist post so I could link to it.
Selling LASER Collection
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I used to have a Rigel 6 and they ranged from sale 369$ to $599 varying with sales, you can look up old post. Would you consider the former of those prices for that laser? I just don't think that is a realistic price for it. Maybe I've been out of the laser game to long. Just my thoughts. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks and good luck
Last year it sold on eBay for over $750 then eBay stopped the sale (after the auction finished) because it was a "banned" item. Yes, I will definitely consider that. I was not trying to be unfair at all. I wish I had more time to do all of this, ha ha. But, my girlfriend is sick, and you gotta do what you gotta do. I greatly appreciate your honesty and tact in how you said all of that willpine.
You may want to lower that price for your Rigel-6, no offense. I know you are trying to get money to help her but that is unrealistic.

I do understand that Laserglow is pretty pricey but that seems waay too much. You could get that same amount of power from a reseller of CNI for maybe $500.

Best of luck buddy :)

Lowered all my prices. Thank you guys for the suggestions. Not trying to gouge anyone. I have been out of the laser game for a little bit, and I trust the people on here. I will certainly listen to fair offers. I appreciate the honesty and tact of this community :)
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Those prices do not include shipping, but I will only add half of what I will spend on shipping, no matter how many you buy. Also, I will cover the cost of shipping materials.

EDIT: I will put a maximum of $20 on that, that I would add, but most likely less.
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Edit: Prices are pretty good now. Buy them if you're interested guys. :D
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The JL Ti pens are almost collector items- no longer being made (too much cost to make)
sorry to see my best customer having to sell his collection.

TBH the PL-Cs sometimes develop 'wonky' switches-& afaik not an easy fix for most of us--anyone wanting to try let me know I hate to give up on my 635/400mW PL-C & have neither the talent or time to preform a switch transplant (switchectomy)

the PLCs are also no longer being made--

I think I can say with some certainty that these are close to new- what I call 'demo time'

nobody has enough spare time to put a lot of hours on such a large collection--I vouch for this member 100%

also it has been my experience that most lasers that fail NOT from many many hours but from an inherent problem that makes them fail after just a few hours-in other words -these, in a round about way may be seen as a good buy since if it were to be an early-in-the -lifetime fail .., that would have already happened. I think its very rare for a working low-hour laser after simply being stored would then fail soon.

just imho..
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Rivem, thank you very much for the advice. I lowered my prices again (because speed is important), and added another LASER I was going to hold on to.
Len, thanks for all of that, and I greatly appreciate all that you have done for me over the years!
My girlfriend has a type of cancer called Langerhans Cell Hystiocytosis (LCH), and while it has a quite high survivability, it also comes with a lot of pain. Basically, there are lesions on her skull flat bones which are extremely painful. All of a sudden, her insurance decided that her pain management meds "not medically necessary". Tell that to the person who is at an almost constant 7 or 8 on the pain scale... Sorry for ranting, I know this isn't really the avenue for that :( This all just bothers me a great deal.
Anyway, I just wanted to say once again how appreciative I am of the kindness/tact, advice, etc. of the established members here :) I know we argue on here sometimes, but all in all one of the best online communities I have participated in.
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I'll try to help you out and recommend new members to your thread. I already have too many lasers.
Have you contacted the Med. maker?? they may give you free meds-
sometimes they are just as fresh or they may be near the 'best if used by..)
But perfectly fine to use-- some churches assist with the forms etc this requires.
That worked for me until I got Medicare- now I pay $12 for 90 day supply-free delivery too.
Lemme do a search for you--



most go by school district but may make an exception- sign up for disibliity just fill out the forms link them to your Drs etc- they will turn you down.. -refile- add more info -prolly turn you down again--BUT keep filing when (& it will be approved) it happens you get back payments from the first filing-can be as much as 10$k into your bank--

save a little$$ by going to food banks-also done by school districts but also make exceptions.

food stamps

there is help out there to pay rent- power-get a free cell phone or a discount on your current carrier.

cut the cable and get an over-the -air antenna-a good one ~$30-- one time- free after that

I will send 10 good 18650s (pulls) to any who buy from my friend in need.-- you pay ship ONLY.

must buy a laser that uses them..
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