Finding weird things like 512nm diodes is just like finding unique hosts. It doesn't take any eliteness, it just takes time, persistence, and some dedication to staying organized and on top of things.
Please note, I did not post that in a derogatory way. Just the opposite. I have a great deal of respect for the people that can stay on top of things and get limited quantities of rare diodes. I assume it takes a lot of effort to build a network of people who will go out of their way to help you with things like that.
It's just not true that there aren't very many flashlights that are interesting. There are lots of hosts on my radar that I'd love to build in if I had time (and less of a collection of hosts already waiting for my attention now). The hosts are out there, and you can get creative too.
Well I respectfully point out that I have looked all over and somehow managed to duplicate several hosts that are already built here. You may be absolutely right, but I haven't managed to find them yet.
I sent DTR a PM about how many hosts that I have seen that looked really cool and in my excitement I added them to the cart, only to find that when they arrived that the host was smaller than my pinkie finger!
I've built in lots of things that aren't "flashlights from China". Another approach that I often take to avoid the issues discussed in this thread, is to try and stick to hosts that other people don't want to build in for some reason - generally because they're tough to build in, or require some sort of creative non-standard driver setup.
Honestly, I don't think that I'm quite there yet. I'm going to start of walking before running. Flashlight hosts are great because they are already made to do most of what we are doing - shooting light out of an aperture. They need some heat sinking and minor modding and you have a nice laser.
I've been thinking about a lathe, but again, I need to walk before I run. But it sucks to get tripped up so much just trying to walk!
In terms of how many signature builds someone can have, I think that's a question without an answer. I don't see why anyone couldn't have a large number of signature builds.
There really should IMHO be a limit there. One person shouldn't be able to stake claims to dozens of flashlights and claim them as their own. There has to be a point where another builder would just say, "ok, hate me - I don't care what you think - I'm selling these."
You can't claim everything!
I will say this right now,
Anything I build that is from a flashlight host or similar type commercially available host is fair game to anyone else who wants it and I will provide a link to the host.
For me it boils down to personal beliefs. I believe in freedom of competition. If I make a laser from a host and sell it and you think you can make a laser from that host and somehow better my design - then that is good for the hobby. Maybe you can make it cheaper? Maybe you can make it polished. Maybe you can make it with a better driver? I don't care.
I do not need, or believe in, protection.
I do not mean that as a slam to those who feel differently. I am a libertarian person and my personal beliefs are very strong in live and let live.
So the forum does not run that way and I respect that. But I just want to be clear about MY situation and stay true to MY belief system in allowing anyone to have access to any host I may find and use.
I do believe in intellectual property and I don't think it is right to steal things other people have designed or own. But flashlights are a commercially available product available to anyone and I do not believe it is right to monopolize one.