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Out Of Stock: The Magic Sticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) - Custom Laser Hosts

Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts

Wow! They look simply stunning!! :drool: I can't wait to get mine ;)

Good luck with the sale, these should go really quickly! :beer:
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Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts

I will take a v3 18650 to start with. Pm sent.
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts

damn, you've come a long way since I last saw your work! I've been out of the laser game for too long. Keep up the good work, man!
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts

Thanks all..

Grainde your host went out yesterday.. as well as others..

Stock Updated..
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts[PICS UPDATED]

Fantastic! I trust you got the PM about the address? ;) :beer:
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts[PICS UPDATED]

Yes , i updated your address to the one you send yesterday.. Placed a note in there as you instructed aswell.. :beer:
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts[PICS UPDATED]

Note? :thinking: Anyway great news and Ill do a review once I get sorted out! :thanks: and :beer:
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Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Hosts[PICS UPDATED]

I just re-read the PM,

It was a note in the paypal you were talking about!!

But there'll be one in the box i sent aswell :na:
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Laser Hosts[PICS UPDA

PM sent! :wave:
Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Laser Hosts[PICS UPDA

I ordered V2.1 Upgrade from Sinner, after very friendly service and help, I plan on giving more of my business to him! Nice work, Sinner! Hat tipped to you!

Re: For Sale: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) Size - Custom Laser Hosts[PICS UPDA

I'm thinking to put them on sale this whole month , or maybe till Jan'15th..

$10 - Off on 1 Host
$25 - Off on 2 Host

Let me know if anyone's interested - PM if you want them on New Year Discounted Prices!

Re: NEW YEAR SALE: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) - Custom Laser Hosts $10-$25 O

So how much for a v3 shipped to the USA? That looks like and amazing host.
Re: NEW YEAR SALE: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) - Custom Laser Hosts $10-$25 O

Sent you a PM with Discount details :beer:
Re: NEW YEAR SALE: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) - Custom Laser Hosts $10-$25 O

Do you have more photos of the MagicSticks V3? Or video possibly showing it taken apart ect. Very interested in it!

EDIT: Oops nevermind see it in your signature!
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Re: NEW YEAR SALE: The MagicSticks - 1x18650 (2x18350) - Custom Laser Hosts $10-$25 O

Bump - Discount week ends 15th Jan - I have 3 or 4 hosts of each left..
