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Not for Sale : 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

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Dec 24, 2007
I am selling this new Osram 450nm laser in the famous C6 host. The host needs no introduction, it is a versatile host with a great look.
It has an Osram 450nm diode direct press in the aluminium heatsink. This diode gives a nice single mode dot. The laser is powered by the Ben Boost driver. The front is polished for a shiny look.
The Ultrafire C6 host has a blue tailcap and a black lenscap. The lens is a Aixiz acrylic. This gives in my opinion visually the best looking dot. The lens has no problems with this laser at this power level. Also I made a custom laser warning label to match the wavelength and power.

The Ben Boost driver was set at 373mA which gives a power of ~240mW. Despite not needed the driver is heatsinked at the pill. Only one 3.7V 18650 battery is needed for the working of the laser.
Every component is brand-new. I have tested the laser for few minutes continuous on and everything went fine. The laser gets barely warm and I recommend 60sec on/10sec off.

I am asking $150 for the laser.
I can send it worldwide with registered mail only.
PM if you want one or have any questions.
I will donate 5% of the final price to the laserpointerforum. Without the forum this sale wasn't possible.

***the person must be 18 years or older and know the laser safety rules***





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Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

How much can these diodes handle, speaking of current? Are they the same diodes used in the laserlands 450nm pointers?
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

I don't know about the Laserlands pointers. They could be the same. I bought the bare diodes and not harvested from pen.
I have tested till 300mW and they are still going strong. No degradation or loss in power.
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

Bump, still available. :)

Dot camparison at 12 meter or 40 feet.
up : 240mW Osram
lower dot : 236mW A140/M140
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

That looks really cool. I want a diode like that. I want to build one myself. I just don't see what people like about the c6. IMHO it doesn't look very good. What's so good about it?
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

Inmation what it will output with a G1 lens :)

Very nice build, as alway's.

Still enjoying mine.

Good luck with the sale m8.
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

The C6 host is a sleek laser host. It doesn't resemble a flashlight host.
It is indeed a host with a long history but it is still going strong. I like it very much :)

Not every diode can go that high. I have seen a reports that a PL450 has failed at this current output.
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

Nice very tight beam with the Osram diodes. It beats the M140s in that catagory.
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

Is this beam even more visible than an m140 because you can pull the beam so much tighter?
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

I suppose the PL450 has the advantage of brighter beam due tighter beam spec but the 445nm can surpass it by setting at higher power.

PL450 ===> beauty
M140 ===> beast :)
Re: FS: 240mW 450nm Osram single mode C6 laser !

Yeah I have a beast 445. I am selling it and I want something that will still amaze a crowd when I shine it in the sky at night. I once went down to the beach with it and this huge group of people were having a bonfire so I shone my 445 up in the sky. They all turned around and were like "WHOA!!" --it was cool. I want something tht will still be a crowd pleaser.
Any testing results for running these at ~440 mA? I searched and could not find anything, but you said you had driven up to 300mW+ so I figured it was worth asking.
Why do you want to run the diode at 440mA ? I have tried 400mA and the diode survives but that is already three times the nominal current.
Maybe you have a fixed value driver at 440mA ?
IIRC Kizdawg has the highest powered SM450. Don´t know the values, but his one is outputting over 400mW.

I won´t run these too high. Just enjoy the nice SM beam for now, also indoors.

Next year we´re maybe getting our hands on the Soraa 750mW SM!
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