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!!Updated prices!!: New Kryton Groove FS Thread!!
On offer are a few of the legendary Kryton Grooves!:wave:
The bare hosts will cost $̶32̶ $ 30+ shipping each. PM if you want to pay in EUR, or GBP.
These are wrapped from the factory, with the switch, spacer, rubber clicky and retaining ring. You will have to remove the anodising yourself and install the tail cap assembly. Moh has done a couple of instructional videos:
This is an idea of what you'll get:
Next up and for those who dont want to spend an hour stripping anodising and brushing with a dremel
, Im offering the hosts with the contact anodising removed, the contact areas buffed with a brass brush bit, the tail cap assembly installed and tested for an extra $ 5.
Here are a couple of pics. I havent shown the tubes, but the anodising on the threading in both ends of the tubes has also been removed:
Ive also ordered some of the new generation Europium doped GITD powders, which are supposed to have very long glow times - even up to 12 hrs for the green and aqua!! There will be the choice of Green, Blue, Aqua, Purple and Red. Please note there werent many sources for the red SrAl Europium powder, as most reds were of the old ZnS variety. The only one I could find with a longer glow time was a Potassium Silicate encapsulated SrAl:Eu powder ie specially coated for use in water. As it was three times the price of the other powders, Ill be charging a little more for that option.
Of course I'd be happy to mix and match colours, so please just ask!
BTW it would be great to gauge interest in the GITD mods!
So if you would like to buy a Kryton Groove with this particular mod please post in this thread and let me know.
There will also be a few polished hosts to be had and Ill offer the polished hosts for an extra $10*. If youd like to see other examples of my polishing, have a look at the Phobos 450 build in my sig!
* The focus adapter wont be polished, firstly due to the fact that its the bit that is always handled; it will be covered in prints in no time and lose its shine quickly and secondly its a PITA due to its size and risk as a projectile!
These were polished with GITD! :drool:
There was also some interest in a satin sanded finish on the hosts this is achieved by stripping all the anodizing and carefully sanding from 1000 up to 2500 grit. In the pic below the first is the std host from the factory, the second is 2000, the third is sanded to 2500, which makes it ever so slightly more satin like and the last one is polished.
At a later date, custom anodising will be offered on a few of the hosts and I was thinking of both single colour and dual colour options.
Finally I would be prepared to make a few custom lasers, so if anyone is interested please send me a PM. For the moment I can only offer 5.6 mm and 9 mm diode builds.
Here are some builds...
This uses a mits 500 and hits 1054 mW on my LB 2.5 W USB LPM. There was a little steam in the pic..
This was the highest performing red Ive built with a Mits 500 giving just under 1.3 W!
Here 2 x 3 W 9 mm builds in the garden with alternating cyan/blue GITD:
Heres a 1 W 520 with green GITD I recently built for someone.
and a polished 462 with cyan GITD for another member...
and some more GITD pics (from left to right: all cyan, alternating cyan/blue and green)
New custom built 5.4 W 465 vs 3.2 W 445! You can barely see the beam of the 445 due to the shorter exposure time.
In second pic is the 465 on the left (blue tailcap) and 638 Oclaro 700 (orange tailcap) on the right.
Here's a quick summary:
Bare Kryton (9mm or 5.6 mm) $30 + shipping
Add ons:
Stripping: $ 5 (limited with this option and while stock lasts! - Free choice of GITD Green/Blue or Orange tailcap)
GITD (Green, Blue, Aqua, Violet): $ 5, (Red): $ 8
Satin Finish: $ 15 (Includes stripping and tail cap assembly)
Polishing: $ 20 (Includes stripping and tail cap assembly)
NEW! Preinstalled contact Board with leads*: $ 8
*Spring added to board and board epoxied into place, 1.2 mm hole drilled into driver mount lip and 1.3 mm brass nail used as contact. All soldered together and tested with red and black FP silicon leads attached!
Anodizing One colour: $ 15 / Two tone $ 20 (available soon)
** Note to buy a completed laser you must be over 18 and own the correct pair of safety goggles for your chosen wavelength. Prices will depend on diodes, components used and options i.e. GITD / anodising / polishing etc, so pls PM for details. :thanks:**
On offer are a few of the legendary Kryton Grooves!:wave:
The bare hosts will cost $̶32̶ $ 30+ shipping each. PM if you want to pay in EUR, or GBP.
These are wrapped from the factory, with the switch, spacer, rubber clicky and retaining ring. You will have to remove the anodising yourself and install the tail cap assembly. Moh has done a couple of instructional videos:
This is an idea of what you'll get:
Next up and for those who dont want to spend an hour stripping anodising and brushing with a dremel

Here are a couple of pics. I havent shown the tubes, but the anodising on the threading in both ends of the tubes has also been removed:
Ive also ordered some of the new generation Europium doped GITD powders, which are supposed to have very long glow times - even up to 12 hrs for the green and aqua!! There will be the choice of Green, Blue, Aqua, Purple and Red. Please note there werent many sources for the red SrAl Europium powder, as most reds were of the old ZnS variety. The only one I could find with a longer glow time was a Potassium Silicate encapsulated SrAl:Eu powder ie specially coated for use in water. As it was three times the price of the other powders, Ill be charging a little more for that option.
Of course I'd be happy to mix and match colours, so please just ask!
BTW it would be great to gauge interest in the GITD mods!

There will also be a few polished hosts to be had and Ill offer the polished hosts for an extra $10*. If youd like to see other examples of my polishing, have a look at the Phobos 450 build in my sig!

* The focus adapter wont be polished, firstly due to the fact that its the bit that is always handled; it will be covered in prints in no time and lose its shine quickly and secondly its a PITA due to its size and risk as a projectile!

These were polished with GITD! :drool:

There was also some interest in a satin sanded finish on the hosts this is achieved by stripping all the anodizing and carefully sanding from 1000 up to 2500 grit. In the pic below the first is the std host from the factory, the second is 2000, the third is sanded to 2500, which makes it ever so slightly more satin like and the last one is polished.

At a later date, custom anodising will be offered on a few of the hosts and I was thinking of both single colour and dual colour options.
Finally I would be prepared to make a few custom lasers, so if anyone is interested please send me a PM. For the moment I can only offer 5.6 mm and 9 mm diode builds.
Here are some builds...

This uses a mits 500 and hits 1054 mW on my LB 2.5 W USB LPM. There was a little steam in the pic..

This was the highest performing red Ive built with a Mits 500 giving just under 1.3 W!

Here 2 x 3 W 9 mm builds in the garden with alternating cyan/blue GITD:

Heres a 1 W 520 with green GITD I recently built for someone.

and a polished 462 with cyan GITD for another member...

and some more GITD pics (from left to right: all cyan, alternating cyan/blue and green)

New custom built 5.4 W 465 vs 3.2 W 445! You can barely see the beam of the 445 due to the shorter exposure time.

Here's a quick summary:
Bare Kryton (9mm or 5.6 mm) $30 + shipping
Add ons:
Stripping: $ 5 (limited with this option and while stock lasts! - Free choice of GITD Green/Blue or Orange tailcap)
GITD (Green, Blue, Aqua, Violet): $ 5, (Red): $ 8
Satin Finish: $ 15 (Includes stripping and tail cap assembly)
Polishing: $ 20 (Includes stripping and tail cap assembly)
NEW! Preinstalled contact Board with leads*: $ 8
*Spring added to board and board epoxied into place, 1.2 mm hole drilled into driver mount lip and 1.3 mm brass nail used as contact. All soldered together and tested with red and black FP silicon leads attached!
Anodizing One colour: $ 15 / Two tone $ 20 (available soon)
** Note to buy a completed laser you must be over 18 and own the correct pair of safety goggles for your chosen wavelength. Prices will depend on diodes, components used and options i.e. GITD / anodising / polishing etc, so pls PM for details. :thanks:**
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