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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser LBO Frequency Doubler Crystal Optic in Cooling Mount SHG THG /488nm

Oct 6, 2015
For Sale $ 40 Or Best Offer Works 100% Tested
808nm In =473nm /
Temp. 397K = 488nm
TEM INFO: This is a 2x2x10mm LBO crystal for SHG or THG laser use. Should be usable for many DPSS projects. The coatings are for 473nm to 488nm SHG, but it was tested to work for 355nm THG with a q-switched microchip DPSS laser 1064+532 as well.


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This is interesting, If it is extracted and placed into a lens assembly small enough.. I might fit one into my pen host. Even if I have to increase the length of the assembly, it's definately worth it for a small 488nm pen..

it seem the crystal were already alligned and the only things needed was an ir diode.... sound like a good deal.
If only it was in a 12mm package, I will try and hunt for some laser303 len crystals, I might make a 532nm pen because their thin beam and good divergence. Do you know how much power of 808nm is 1mw of 532? I want at least 400mw in my pen.

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to my knowledge 532nm dpss have 15-30% efficiency, which means only that amount of ir get convert into green light. so let assume 20% efficiency so ir power= 400 x 100/20
ir power=2000mw.
but it not that simple, you also have to allign the crystal,have ir filter,collimate the diode and crystal holder......
Is it just the LBO or is there YVO4/YAG in there too? Looks identical to the crystal set in my 473 unit.
How much input power can it safely take and will inputting 808nm be directly converted to 473 or 488? Also wanting to know if all of the crystals are already in it to be able to just use 808nm without adding anything more. I'm a bit confused on the output wavelength.
I'm a bit confused here. I saw something similar on eBay a few days ago, and when I checked it's still there. Same pictures and everything.

What I'm confused about is that in the eBay listing, it's listed as JUST an LBO crystal in a mount, but you're claiming it's an 808nm in 473nm out similar to this that recently sold out.

Could you offer some clarification?
Is that what that is in your sig pic?
Even though you're banned, I'll answer! It's not - that's the inside of the 2W 532nm Melles Griot head - well one of them. Right to left is: 18W Bar Diode, Fibre Coupler, Focusing Lens, Nd:YVO4 (The chip is actually missing on this head) then the KTP.

I'm a bit confused here. I saw something similar on eBay a few days ago, and when I checked it's still there. Same pictures and everything.

What I'm confused about is that in the eBay listing, it's listed as JUST an LBO crystal in a mount, but you're claiming it's an 808nm in 473nm out similar to this that recently sold out.

Could you offer some clarification?

I'm not the seller so I can't say for sure, but it does look like a complete set to me - unless the YAG/YVO4 was removed for some reason.

Here's a couple of pictures of the inside of my 473 for comparison:

B&W 473 - Album on Imgur
Its complete set Just add 808nm , Its perfect to make a 488nm :)
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Its complete set Just add 808nm , Its perfect to make a 488nm :)

Not if the crystals aren't coated for 488 it isn't... As far as u remember the YVO4 on these sets has the coatings in the faces. I imagine the LBO has HT coatings for the design wavelength too. The OC may be replaceable but you still need the other coatings to be correct.

Not to mention I'm not even aware of a 976nm YVO4 line. I assume you mean pull the LBO and use that as part of a DIY project to make 488nm from some 976nm pump source?

Do you know what wavelength the set was originally designed to produce?
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Not if the crystals aren't coated for 488 it isn't... As far as u remember the YVO4 on these sets has the coatings in the faces. I imagine the LBO has HT coatings for the design wavelength too. The OC may be replaceable but you still need the other coatings to be correct.

Not to mention I'm not even aware of a 976nm YVO4 line. I assume you mean pull the LBO and use that as part of a DIY project to make 488nm from some 976nm pump source?

Do you know what wavelength the set was originally designed to produce?

Almost certainly a 473 nm crystal set. I have the same B&W 473 you do, and it looks exactly the same.

The only SS 488 nm lasers I am aware of are a Coherent Sapphire and a MG head. Both have different looking, and much better protected crystals (maybe even sealed?).

Either way, it was not designed for 488 nm.
Almost certainly a 473 nm crystal set. I have the same B&W 473 you do, and it looks exactly the same.

The only SS 488 nm lasers I am aware of are a Coherent Sapphire and a MG head. Both have different looking, and much better protected crystals (maybe even sealed?).

Either way, it was not designed for 488 nm.

Actually, a lot of the CNI DPSS labbies use a similar mount for their crystals. My 0.5W 532nm has an almost identical looking mount, just with different crystals (Likely KTP instead of LBO) and optics (Different coatings at least). This is most likely a 473nm set though, but they did make 532nm sets like this.

I thought I had a picture of the inside of my 532nm head but must have neglected to take any when I opened it up, oh well!

But yes, as you said, not designed for 488nm.
i let it go for $40 i will take a picture of the laser color i will add a 808nm :)
i dont have the original parts i remeber tare was a sticker reading 808nm = 473nm and something like temp = 488nm for another temp i throw away the paper this is ware i got the info and i posted it
i do have a 808nm laser at 5W when i add it it looks like 473+ i take a picture !
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