Yeah, that's perfectly reasonable. It just says '<500mW' because that insures that the laser is Class IIIb and not Class IV. Doesn't mean that's its output, just means it will always be less than that output. Perfectly reasonable to say it's a Hercules 500 if you don't understand why it's saying that.
In that case casinopawn I'll purchase this off you for the $899 USD price you said above. But first I'd like Jimmymcjimthejim to check out the unit, take some pictures, make sure it's in good condition and everything is working. I know you can't test the power, Jimmymcjimthejim, but you should be able to check out the laser to see the cosmetic condition, and at the very least see if it's outputting something you'd expect of a green laser in the 100-1000mW region. Also check to see if the divergence is reasonable, shine it at something far away and compare the dot to another laser you have.
So you two somehow arrange to meetup, so you can check out the unit Jimmymcjimthejim and post your findings here in this thread. That would be great, I'll make sure you get some rep for your valuable service
If that all checks out then I'll be happy to pay the money, the serial number has been verified from LaserGlow and unless you've bashed it against a rock (which is unlikely, since you're a seller and you want to keep your items in top condition) then it will output the right amount.
I'll get you to send it to another US member of these forums (probably jayrob, as I like his packaging skills) and he'll do some more tests and eventually ship it all the way to me.
So, a bit of an operation there, but for a Hercules it's worth it