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FrozenGate by Avery

HeNe tubes

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Deleted member 16589

HeNe tubes Update 1/26/2017

UPDATE seeing as there s a surging interest in Hene's lately


The tubes are as follows from top to bottom

6 mW----------------$60
4.3 mW--------------$50
4.1 mW--------------$30 (Multimode)
3.2 mW--------------$30 (multimode)


All Tubes are sold without Powersupply Bare tube only.

Guaranteed to lase. The 2 larger tubes were aligned by Ultimatekaiser and the small ones were tested by Me At SELEM a few years back.

Prices are negotiable.
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Sir Dave IIRC made some swell red HeNe table lamps= I have the parts and plans for a pair- going with mirror, plexiglass chrome fixture hiding the wires and ballast-
AND IIRC another vet has some table lamp gassers
SUPER gift for family/friend who does not see much attaction to lasers -its not about the spot or beam-its the pleasent glow from the plasma-

here is copypasta there was at least one other vet who made lamps--

Originally Posted by lazeerer View Post

You wouldn't by chance have one for sale Dave would you.

I'll buy one of those 6 inche ones in a heartbeat.

)))))))) Daguin replies

The only ones of these little 6-inchers I have on hand right now, do not produce a beam.

The plasma is good, so they are great for Steam Punk stuff and cool looking accent lamps, but no laser beam

I've got a couple of them in my FS thread for $20 (plus shipping) each , with a PSU
Need to Replinish Paypal Sale (LOTS-O-Stuff)


^^^ this was a few years back
Here is a video of the mode hopping.
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cool beans. might sell a few of my 6"-ers too. though they are more useful as lasers. I need money. looks like I need to start a thread myself for the first time in a while.
I have no idea about anything related to HeNe lasers. How do you power these? Are they long lasting? What is the maintenance required? What wavelength does HeNe produce? Would these be a good starter gas laser?

I have been getting interested in gas lasers a bit and I think it would be cool to own one myself. I just feel like I should learn a little before I attempt getting one. If these are good starters I'd love to get one so I can have some hands on experience:D
I have no idea about anything related to HeNe lasers. How do you power these? Are they long lasting? What is the maintenance required? What wavelength does HeNe produce? Would these be a good starter gas laser?

I have been getting interested in gas lasers a bit and I think it would be cool to own one myself. I just feel like I should learn a little before I attempt getting one. If these are good starters I'd love to get one so I can have some hands on experience:D

You need a HV DC power supply, usually a few kV at a few mA. You can get a PSU specifically for a HeNe on eBay for cheap, if Zach doesn't include one already.

Yes, they last fairly long. Should be good for several thousand hours at the least.

Maintenance? None really!

These ones will be 632.8nm. HeNe can produce other wavelengths though, depending on the design.

HeNe is a great starter gas laser.
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You need a HV DC power supply, usually a few kV at a few mA. You can get a PSU specifically for a HeNe on eBay for cheap, if Zach doesn't include one already.

Yes, they last fairly long. Should be good for several thousand hours at the least.

Maintenance? None really!

These ones will be 632.8nm. HeNe can produce other wavelengths though, depending on the design.

HeNe is a great starter gas laser.

Thanks a ton diachi:beer:

I will definitely be thinking about this tonight and I'll probably have a decision by the morning:)
Thanks a ton diachi:beer:

I will definitely be thinking about this tonight and I'll probably have a decision by the morning:)

Be careful starting down the gas road. There are many expensive items to be picked up along the way. :)

BTW, Laserman, I didn't see that really short one (4" ?) from Selem in this :)
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Thanks Diachi You beat me

Thanks a ton diachi:beer:

I will definitely be thinking about this tonight and I'll probably have a decision by the morning:)

One of the big tubes is spoken for Ill track down some power supplies asap.
Just be careful not to Get zapped. But yea these are great tubes if you don't mind bare tubes.

Be careful starting down the gas road. There are many expensive items to be picked up along the way. :)

BTW, Laserman, I didn't see that really short one (4" ?) from Selem in this :)
Funny xD No but in all seriousness I'm not sure I want to sell it and if i do It wil be pricey
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Which one of the larger tubes is still available? I was eyeing the one you spec'd at 4.3 mW just for its length. PM me!
