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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: Old Flashlights and Lava Lamps

Feb 4, 2010
Hey guys, I'm saving up for a very expensive laser (>$2000), and every little bit of cash counts, so I'm selling off some of my stuff I have no reason to own.

First up are my flashlights - anything old and moderately interesting I find in thrift stores and Co-ops I pick up. There was only really one that I decided to keep for myself out of the bunch and I'm saving it for a later build, once I figure out how to make use of it.


Flashlights with large lenses are sold; silver and gold in the middle are sold. Leaves far left flashlight (I have 3 of these), yellow gripped one; the one with the red push button and flowers (aside of the yellow one); the copper "home wrecker" (great name!); and the two blue ones on the bottom.

More details and individual pictures upon request, not asking for much (only one was $8 in the bunch, I'll break even on that, rest are $5, can't say I remember how much these cost.)

Next up are my lava lamps, I have about 23 of these things and really don't have a use for more than two of them, just for the fact I've had those for as long as I can remember.
Colors and sizes follow a chart,

Liquid Color...|...Lava Color...|...Brand/Shape...|...Additional Info
Clear.................White..............Lava Brand..........32 oz; faded liquid
Clear.................Yellow.............Lava Brand.........32 oz
Yellow...............Red.................Lava Brand.........32 oz
Clear.................Yellow.............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Clear.................Black...............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Clear.................Red.................Lava Brand.........52 oz
Clear.................Blue................Lava Brand.........52 oz
Blue..................White..............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Blue..................Yellow.............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Pink..................White..............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Purple...............Yellow.............Lava Brand.........52 oz
Purple...............Red.................Lava Brand.........52 oz
Blue.................Yellow..............Lava Brand.........20 oz
Clear................Indigo..............Lava Brand.........20 oz
Clear................Metallic Blue..............................Concave cylinder shape
Blue.................Red.........................................."S" shaped
Blue.................Blue........................................."S" shaped
Clear................Blue.........................................Rocket Shaped
Clear................Red..........................................Rocket Shaped
Green...............Red..........................................Small Rocket Shaped

Ones without company names are unknown, bought on ebay. Ask me for individual pictures, best to reduce any lag possible, ya know? Most up here are in the $10-15 range plus shipping (provided via PM, varies due to weight.) Some prices are negotiable.

Not sure if these demand any money, worth a try though, right?


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Does the switch work on the black and gold one? (right above the blue two) if so ill BIN it and also the one third to the right on the top shoot me a pm =]
Man, only if I had been in the US right now.

I simply LOVE lava lamps and was wondering if I could get some used ones.

Good luck with your sale!

Cheers! :beer:
That brown one reminds me of something else. It looks very used tho :D
I like the silver and the golden ones in the middle but shipping to Belgium would be astronomical.
Guess my girl would be interested in the one with the copper look :crackup:
I can fire up the lava lamps this afternoon and have pictures of them running; well most. Not all of them fit on my shelves. I can still get shipping quotes to Seoul if you're interested, to be honest I have no idea what to expect. I can promise more than $10...

PM's coming for the flashlights somewhere between 1:30PM and 2:50PM (when i get some extra time to reply ;))
I can fire up the lava lamps this afternoon and have pictures of them running; well most. Not all of them fit on my shelves. I can still get shipping quotes to Seoul if you're interested, to be honest I have no idea what to expect. I can promise more than $10...

That would be lovely! I'm interested in at least two lamps, maybe three. Could you get quotes for the 52oz models please?

I'm concerned about the fragility of the lamps as well. After all, they are glass with liquid inside them. :)

BTW, have you had some lamps get a bit murky? I have a small one with black lava in translucent clear liquid but the liquid is getting a bit too blurry to enjoy.

Cheers! :beer:
Only one lamp of mine is murky actually, there's a way to treat that. What you want to do is warm it up to the point the wax is entirely liquid and sitting in the bottom, but not bubbling up. Keep turning it off and on for a few hours for a few days, it should clear up quite nicely :beer:

I'll have a quote for you tomorrow; can you PM me what three you're interested in?

As for the flashlight folks, thanks for waiting, PM's coming soon.
Only one lamp of mine is murky actually, there's a way to treat that. What you want to do is warm it up to the point the wax is entirely liquid and sitting in the bottom, but not bubbling up. Keep turning it off and on for a few hours for a few days, it should clear up quite nicely :beer:

I'll have a quote for you tomorrow; can you PM me what three you're interested in?

As for the flashlight folks, thanks for waiting, PM's coming soon.

Thanks for the info, I'll try that out.

I'll PM you in a couple hours. :)

Good luck with your sale! :beer:
I sure like the 2 flashlights next to the ones w/ blue on top and bottom! How much mailed to CA?, (92801) -Glenn
