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FrozenGate by Avery

FS - couple of 2W 445s

Sep 19, 2010

I have materials for a couple of 445s in the saik host. These will be made with the saik, 2 flexdrives (total 1800ma), aixix glass lens, and efficient m140 diode.

I expect the diodes I have to be able to hit over 2W with a g-2 however in the off chance they dont, we can rework the price or I can refund you.

They will be just like this one


You will need a 32600 battery and goggles to go with the laser.

Price is 300CAD + ship. I will only ship within North America.
I accept payment via Payal from verified addresses or EMT (if you are in Canada).

I can have it built within a day of the money being sent.

PM if you want one or have any questions.

very nice host and good price--perfect 'tool' for removing those pesky helium balloons from the ceiling of large venues. (not a joke)

GL with your sale- hak
very nice host and good price--perfect 'tool' for removing those pesky helium balloons from the ceiling of large venues. (not a joke)

GL with your sale- hak

Thanks Len,

It is a nice host. Perfect size for my hands.

This is a bump :)
I have to quote this old movie "If you build it, he will come"... he being your buyer here.

I don't think anyone's really going to be drawn into this unless they have very specific requests that they cannot build themselves... that's stretching it.

If, on the other hand, you complete the builds and get a few pictures posted, I'm sure they'll sell much faster, for more money.
I have to quote this old movie "If you build it, he will come"... he being your buyer here.

I don't think anyone's really going to be drawn into this unless they have very specific requests that they cannot build themselves... that's stretching it.

If, on the other hand, you complete the builds and get a few pictures posted, I'm sure they'll sell much faster, for more money.

Thanks ;)

I was planning on building them when i get some free time.

However if anyone was interested I would take the time to get it built that day.

The only difference between it being built and not yet build is I wouldn't have it meter tested yet.

Pictures are on the thread I linked ;)
Last bump.

Ill get these built and repost with LPM readings at a later date if noone buys these now.
No one is going to buy an item that is not built yet. Except for those who buy directly from CNI.

it is a nice host but it's also generic. The price is also fairly high for diodes that you have not tested yet and therefore don't know if it's inefficient or not, or whether it will actually hit the output you have specified.

Just my $0.02c AUD

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No one is going to buy an item that is not built yet. Except for those who buy directly from CNI.

it is a nice host but it's also generic. The price is also fairly high for diodes that you have not tested yet and therefore don't know if it's inefficient or not, or whether it will actually hit the output you have specified.

Just my $0.02c AUD


Yes they do. I have sold several laser before they were built

Who said these diodes were not tested :thinking:
I have set aside high efficiency diodes and kept the lower efficiency diodes for lower priced builds. I actually used one of the higher efficiency diodes in a build yesterday. 1.4A and was giving 1750mW with a g-1.

And I don't know where you have been, but $300 for a 2W laser is not expensive.

Not worth it. Thanks though
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Yes they do. I have sold several laser before they were built

Who said these diodes were not tested :thinking:
I have set aside high efficiency diodes and kept the lower efficiency diodes for lower priced builds. I actually used one of the higher efficiency diodes in a build yesterday. 1.4A and was giving 1750mW with a g-1.

And I don't know where you have been, but $300 for a 2W laser is not expensive.

Not worth it. Thanks though

I'm sorry if I got it wrong but I read this:

I expect (not guarantee) the diodes I have to be able to hit over 2W with a g-2 however in the off chance they don't, we can rework the price or I can refund you.
as meaning they weren't tested for their output.

From what I have seen up for sale in the last 6 months $250 for a 1.8W is a stretch, unless it's coming from either lazeerer, ehnigmus or wannaburn, and from what I've read the g2 and g1 aren't exceptionally different. I have not seen any evidence of the quality of your builds so I won't comment on anything but the generic host being used.

Not worth it to you but possibly worth it to someone else

I'm sorry if I got it wrong but I read this:

as meaning they weren't tested for their output.

From what I have seen up for sale in the last 6 months $250 for a 1.8W is a stretch, unless it's coming from either lazeerer, ehnigmus or wannaburn, and from what I've read the g2 and g1 aren't exceptionally different. I have not seen any evidence of the quality of your builds so I won't comment on anything but the generic host being used.

Not worth it to you but possibly worth it to someone else


Not sure if you have ever built a laser before (not saying you haven't) but you should never guarantee something until it is fully built and tested. Just safer that way. I said expect because I was getting great readings of these diodes when i tested them at 700mA.

I am not selling 1.8W lasers. I think it was quite clear in the title... 2W

Since this was directed at me... I was stating the value of the comments to me

As a side note:

In the future (and I think most sellers would agree with me), do not say anything about something too expensive in someone's FS thread. As you have found out here... it will likely not be taken lightly.
If that one comment was left out this would not have gotten ugly.
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Just build 'em dude. Once they are built, start a new sales thread and list the specifics of each build. You'll find a buyer, and things will go a lot smoother. :beer:
Just build 'em dude. Once they are built, start a new sales thread and list the specifics of each build. You'll find a buyer, and things will go a lot smoother. :beer:

Yes, I do realize this. :p

Again this was just to see if there was any interest now as I wouldn't be building them for a couple weeks unless there was immediate interest.

I assume Lase's comments likely scared off any potential buyers anyway. Good thing that was my last bump (well it was supposed to be :D)

This thread wasn't a complete waste, it did get me a buyer... just not for a saik laser.

Anyway, have a good one
