I'm pretty sure neg reps given out of spite don't count.
They weren't given out of spite. You were very rude and aggressive, actually much like the way you're behaving now.
The link above a does not guarantee power. With a mits 500 it is possible, but you need to have the laser LPMed if you claim a specific power output. Why do think wicked lasers has such a bad reputation here? Actually your astonishing arrogance and "badboy attitude" would go down well over there. Why don't join them instead?
I machined it myself, amazing huh?
Well yes it might have been, had you actually chosen the correct material to make a heat sink. We use either aluminium or copper...not brass. There's a reason and Ill give you a clue; go and look up the thermal conductivity of your brass....Amazing you didn't take the time to research your materials, before committing to making a heat sink...
Wow what a nice pleasant chap.
You are completely wrong. If the laser had been made by a known builder here, people would have had much more confidence in buying it. They would be assured that the builder knew exactly what he was doing and was less likely to have; damaged the diode, messed up the soldering, done other things known to drastically shorten the life of the laser, they could have also validated your power claims...
I thought question one was about rep?

Again read what I wrote about power, if you're still not sure.
Thank you
Now as much as I would LOVE to personally answer all your questions face to face, It seems that while not possible I should just PM you my Paypal details as you seem very very interested in this laser?
Thank you, but no. I wouldn't buy from someone with such huge chip on his shoulder. I think in Oz you call it tall poppy...get the hint.
Anyway, I asked the questions for any prospective buyers interested in this laser. Most noobs don't know what specific questions to ask, so we all help. It was actually nothing personal. If you wish to confirm that, go and read some of the other FS threads. If the seller hasn't included important info it will be highlighted and questions asked. If however, you feel yourself above such petty questioning and continue to respond in your incredibly condescending manner, you wont ever succeed in selling your lasers here. If it hasn't dawned on you yet, prospective buyers read through sales threads...:tinfoil:
I have always been very respectful to everyone I have dealt with here, and every other forum for that matter.
I did become annoyed that certain individuals resorted to calling me a liar and lazy because I started a thread where I should have used the search function.
That is also not true. You were extremely rude to Bionic badger. To be honest he was just voicing what many, including myself, were thinking. If you hadn't noticed I did initially take the time to help you in that thread...:yabbmad:
So I wasn't hostile, I became hostile towards members that shoud be helping the so called "noobs" instead of berrating them, then with no intention of purchasing a laser waste his time and mine by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.
We all have the right to express our opinions, including you, so he had every right to comment. Its just how we express them, that counts. So SUCK IT UP!
Paypal will recover your money if an item you purchased is not what was advertised, I've used that option many times and have always had my funds refunded.
Not completely true, many members have been scammed here and been left out of pocket and yes they paid with PP.
I'll sell it on another site or just keep it myself, and I'm pretty sure I'll somehow get over being negged
Good please do and as you've probably read before, don't let the door hit you on the way out...:tsk:
To all who maybe considering this laser, dont. The seller is agressive, extremely arrogant and rude. If you buy and anything goes wrong I dont fancy your chances of getting it fixed or receiving a refund. ITS NOT WORTH THE RISK.
Edit: No longer FS problem solved.