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FS: 700mW 635nm in Aurora Host

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Sep 22, 2012
First of all, this is not the laser for you if you want that long thin beam and sharp dot.

Anyone that's not familiar with the 635-638nm will be surprised once they turn it on, so ask as many questions as you see fit and hopefully one of the vets will help you out with anything I can't.

It's a DTR module so that should answer any questions you have about quality.
Running time so far for this laser adds up to less than 5mins as it's only about a week old.

Brass heatsink and G2 lens.

A battery and charger can be added to the sale if buyer doesn't already have them for an extra $10.

If it's an international sale I'll have to post it off in 2 shipments (I'll cover the cost of one).

Basically I'm only asking what it owes me ($200) + Shipping so I won't be making a cent.


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I didnt know you could sell with a neg rep?

Anyway which diode is it the 300 or 500 mW version? Which driver does it use? You mentioned it has a brass heatsink, which would be odd unless you had it custom made in brass? Did you make the laser yourself or did you buy it from one of the members here? Last question do you have an LPM to confirm output or has someone here verified it?:thinking:

You should also post a picture taken with the laser working, todays date and your LPF user name.
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I didnt know you could sell with a neg rep?.

I'm pretty sure neg reps given out of spite don't count.

Anyway which diode is it the 300 or 500 mW version? Which driver does it use?.

eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d?r

You mentioned it has a brass heatsink, which would be odd unless you had it custom made in brass?.

I machined it myself, amazing huh?

Did you make the laser yourself or did you buy it from one of the members here?.


Last question do you have an LPM to confirm output or has someone here verified it?:thinking:

Re-visit question 1.

You should also post a picture taken with the laser working, todays date and your LPF user name.


Now as much as I would LOVE to personally answer all your questions face to face, It seems that while not possible I should just PM you my Paypal details as you seem very very interested in this laser?


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Smell like a scam with answers like that... And I was interested. :(

Not a scam at all mate, we just have a bit of a history and I don't take kindly to him wasting my time.

I've done quite a bit of business with other members here but true, it is my first sale.

I can give you my eBay credentials and PayPal info but apart from that I can't prove anything else.

All I have to say is if you don't feel at ease with the purchase then don't go ahead with it, but I can't validate my honesty as a seller without ever making a sale.

1. Neg reps are relevant. You were being rude and hostile then, you are still being hostile now.
2. You've studiously avoided the question of power, meaning you don't actually have a clue what it is, and are taking a best guess based on DTR's listing.
3. Paypal is NOT a middle man, and will not take sides at all if the laser turns out to be a dud, underspec, or if you scan otherwise.

Get this through your apparently rather thick skull Paulie dearest;

We don't know you.

You are avoiding questions.

You are hostile.

Those are some BIG red flags on why people should not buy from you.

See the above explanation #1 for why you have more red bars next to your name now.
1. Neg reps are relevant. You were being rude and hostile then, you are still being hostile now.
2. You've studiously avoided the question of power, meaning you don't actually have a clue what it is, and are taking a best guess based on DTR's listing.
3. Paypal is NOT a middle man, and will not take sides at all if the laser turns out to be a dud, underspec, or if you scan otherwise.

Get this through your apparently rather thick skull Paulie dearest;

We don't know you.

You are avoiding questions.

You are hostile.

Those are some BIG red flags on why people should not buy from you.

See the above explanation #1 for why you have more red bars next to your name now.

I have always been very respectful to everyone I have dealt with here, and every other forum for that matter.
I did become annoyed that certain individuals resorted to calling me a liar and lazy because I started a thread where I should have used the search function.

So I wasn't hostile, I became hostile towards members that shoud be helping the so called "noobs" instead of berrating them, then with no intention of purchasing a laser waste his time and mine by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

I'm not avoiding anything, not everyone has a LPM, so we're all guessing based on diodes, drivers and currents used.
I trust what DTR tells me, it's your problem if you don't.

Paypal will recover your money if an item you purchased is not what was advertised, I've used that option many times and have always had my funds refunded.

Now you have resorted to try and insult me, good luck with that lovey.

Get it through your head mate, I will treat people the way I'm treated not based on their post count.

No shit you don't know me, if you did we wouldn't be having this discussion as you would know I live by the saying a man is nothing without his word.
You would also know how ridiculous I find it that anyone would go to so much effort to scam $200.

I have answered all questions, not being hostile (imho) just don't worship the kid with a big laser and post count, and I don't care if the laser doesn't sell here, and even less about your big bad negs.

I'll sell it on another site or just keep it myself, and I'm pretty sure I'll somehow get over being negged :D

So, do you wanna buy a laser? Good.
If you don't, that's ok too.

Yours forever,
Thick skulled Paulie -XXX-
Boy, you do fly off the handle fast. Just what a potential buyer needs from a seller. Someone who will berate them at the slightest intimation of discrepancy.

This is not being respectful: "WTF?
You got some sand in your vagina or something sweetheart?"

The big problem I have with your listing, is you state a specific power, without knowing it to be accurate.

It's not that I don't trust DTR, in fact I trust him implicitly, but he can't possibly know what happens after the modules leave his shop.

And no, we are not all guessing. In fact in general no one here states a specific power without a 100% certainty.

Most of the time buyer without an LPM put down what they expect to be the power, and clearly state why, in their sales threads. They don't go on diatribes when asked simple questions, or when people request the same of them as is requested of ALL new buyers.

Glad there are no hard feelings.

With no respect,

Mr.Lovey :)
Paypal will recover your money if an item you purchased is not what was advertised, I've used that option many times and have always had my funds refunded.

This is where you are wrong. AFAIK, you wont get refunded if the transaction involves lasers.
I like buying cars from salesmen who like to tell me "don't worry about what's under the hood" too. :tired:

Twice in this thread I've actually tried to deter people from buying this laser by saying....

*"First of all, this is not the laser for you if you want that long thin beam and sharp dot."

*"All I have to say is if you don't feel at ease with the purchase then don't go ahead with it."

You're right though, that's clearly scammers behaviour and I must be pretty stupid to have made it so obvious by not pushing a sale onto anyone.

Well I've learnt that I can't trick you guys by advertising an item as it was advertised to me, not altering it in any way and calling it a 700mW because that's what it is driven to produce.

So now I'll apologise for trying to deceive such a crafty bunch and proclaim that in no way will anyone here be scammed by the sale of this laser because........

It's not for sale anymore.

There, problem fixed.
I'm pretty sure neg reps given out of spite don't count.

They weren't given out of spite. You were very rude and aggressive, actually much like the way you're behaving now.

The link above a does not guarantee power. With a mits 500 it is possible, but you need to have the laser LPMed if you claim a specific power output. Why do think wicked lasers has such a bad reputation here? Actually your astonishing arrogance and "badboy attitude" would go down well over there. Why don't join them instead?

I machined it myself, amazing huh?

Well yes it might have been, had you actually chosen the correct material to make a heat sink. We use either aluminium or copper...not brass. There's a reason and Ill give you a clue; go and look up the thermal conductivity of your brass....Amazing you didn't take the time to research your materials, before committing to making a heat sink...:whistle:


Wow what a nice pleasant chap. You are completely wrong. If the laser had been made by a known builder here, people would have had much more confidence in buying it. They would be assured that the builder knew exactly what he was doing and was less likely to have; damaged the diode, messed up the soldering, done other things known to drastically shorten the life of the laser, they could have also validated your power claims...

Re-visit question 1.

I thought question one was about rep? :rolleyes: Again read what I wrote about power, if you're still not sure.

Thank you

Now as much as I would LOVE to personally answer all your questions face to face, It seems that while not possible I should just PM you my Paypal details as you seem very very interested in this laser?

Thank you, but no. I wouldn't buy from someone with such huge chip on his shoulder. I think in Oz you call it tall poppy...get the hint.
Anyway, I asked the questions for any prospective buyers interested in this laser. Most noobs don't know what specific questions to ask, so we all help. It was actually nothing personal. If you wish to confirm that, go and read some of the other FS threads. If the seller hasn't included important info it will be highlighted and questions asked. If however, you feel yourself above such petty questioning and continue to respond in your incredibly condescending manner, you wont ever succeed in selling your lasers here. If it hasn't dawned on you yet, prospective buyers read through sales threads...:tinfoil:

I have always been very respectful to everyone I have dealt with here, and every other forum for that matter.
I did become annoyed that certain individuals resorted to calling me a liar and lazy because I started a thread where I should have used the search function.

That is also not true. You were extremely rude to Bionic badger. To be honest he was just voicing what many, including myself, were thinking. If you hadn't noticed I did initially take the time to help you in that thread...:yabbmad:

So I wasn't hostile, I became hostile towards members that shoud be helping the so called "noobs" instead of berrating them, then with no intention of purchasing a laser waste his time and mine by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

We all have the right to express our opinions, including you, so he had every right to comment. Its just how we express them, that counts. So SUCK IT UP!

Paypal will recover your money if an item you purchased is not what was advertised, I've used that option many times and have always had my funds refunded.

Not completely true, many members have been scammed here and been left out of pocket and yes they paid with PP.

I'll sell it on another site or just keep it myself, and I'm pretty sure I'll somehow get over being negged :D

Good please do and as you've probably read before, don't let the door hit you on the way out...:tsk:

To all who maybe considering this laser, dont. The seller is agressive, extremely arrogant and rude. If you buy and anything goes wrong I dont fancy your chances of getting it fixed or receiving a refund. ITS NOT WORTH THE RISK.

Edit: No longer FS problem solved.
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SO. Not interested anymore. Jeez. This escalated quickly.

@OP: All they were suggesting is that you use a middleman from the forum, a trusted member whom owns an LPM so that you could be an honest man and a man of your word, and sell a laser with the correct power advertised. PayPal won't give money back on anything laser related anymore, so we have to be extra careful.

Try Craigslist, you can probably get another angry 12yr old like yourself to buy it for 1,500$, no questions asked.
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SO. Not interested anymore. Jeez. This escalated quickly.

@OP: All they were suggesting is that you use a middleman from the forum, a trusted member whom owns an LPM so that you could be an honest man and a man of your word, and sell a laser with the correct power advertised. PayPal won't give money back on anything laser related anymore, so we have to be extra careful.

Try Craigslist, you can probably get another angry 12yr old like yourself to buy it for 1,500$, no questions asked.

Craigslist eh? Is that where you get your 12 year olds from? :D

Seriously though mate it just turned out to be more of a headache than anything.
Constantly having to prove your innocence, being doubted, answering a million questions and having every answer scrutinised..... Ah f**k it, I'll just keep the bloody thing.

Then again I don't blame the guys for being super cautious as there has obviously been quite a few scams over the years.
If I was going to scam someone for $200 it probably wouldn't be the best idea to mingle into a forum for months and spend over $1000 there while waiting for that right moment.
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