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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: 50% of sale price donated to LPF - Tiny Chrome/Silver 445nm

Looks like a pretty good concept, but don't expect much more than the price of the build it's self. I might try that as my first DIY; kinda embarressing I haven't done one yet :shhh:
Looks like a pretty good concept, but don't expect much more than the price of the build it's self. I might try that as my first DIY; kinda embarressing I haven't done one yet :shhh:

The build cost $65 in parts. The opening price is $50. That's already more than half the price of the build itself ;)
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Nevertheless, it looks like a nice sized 445 with pretty good power. If I had the money right now I'd bid.
Nevertheless, it looks like a nice sized 445 with pretty good power. If I had the money right now I'd bid.

It's a cool laser for sure. It's lower power than a lot of 445s, but it still packs a decent punch at 300mW, and it's tiny. Whatever it goes for, I'm happy. I'm overdue for making a donation to LPF, and I have no cash in my Paypal account right now, so this seemed like a good way to make it happen.
Might be wise to warn about canadapost current situation.

Warning: There is a situation with CanadaPost currently ;)

They're on strike, sort of. If they're still on strike when this sells, I'll look at using a different service, or just wait it out. I would be surprised if the CanadaPost situation lasts very long.
but don't expect much more than the price of the build it's self.

Why wouldn't he expect much more than the price of the build itself? Half of it is going to LPF, it's made by rhd who really knows what he is doing, and the opening bid rhd set is less than the price of parts?

I'd see this going for $100. Because it is worth that.
Looks like a pretty good concept, but don't expect much more than the price of the build it's self.

I disagree also, this is one of the best looking, clean builds out there. Small and sleek

I have all the pieces for building this on order, just don't have them yet!
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I'll offer you $60 with a bonus donation on my part to LPF.
I guess the $70.00 bid was withdrawn by ryu037?

I'll have to at least bid for the parts in it.

$65.00 current bid.
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Seriously? He just deleted his bid? That's very lame. Wish I could neg rep a deleted post note.

Cdn or usd. Whatever buyer prefers. It's nearly parity right now.
Well I guess I'll overbid the guy who bowed out and bid $72.00

I feel it is my duty on this
