Looking for Approx 320$ or Best Offer, for Laser and Goggle's.
Buyer is also Paying PayPal Fee and 1/2 Shipping
Laser has Approx. 3 Hours Run Time, with no longer then 60 second intervals, and Goggles have Slight Ware and Tare hardly any Scratches.
Bluray Laser,
PM me for Additional Details i have Pictures, Videos
YouTube - Aires 200
This is another video so the kids who say i was switching lasers...
YouTube - Aries 200 ballon pop

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Buyer is also Paying PayPal Fee and 1/2 Shipping
Laser has Approx. 3 Hours Run Time, with no longer then 60 second intervals, and Goggles have Slight Ware and Tare hardly any Scratches.
Bluray Laser,
PM me for Additional Details i have Pictures, Videos
YouTube - Aires 200
This is another video so the kids who say i was switching lasers...
YouTube - Aries 200 ballon pop

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