Oh sorry didn't realize that was a link...
$800?! Yeeesh, ok, maybe that IS going a bit too far for a starter laser
I've noticed a bunch of really expensive greens for sale in the 500mw range... Don't these guys realize you can buy a 1W arctic for $300!? People can bash WL all they want, but it's still a decent, high power laser with a great host, continuous duty cycle and a warranty! Maybe a scratch built will be of slightly higher quality, but how many people are going to pay double - or more - for it?
I guess I understand people may have spent a lot on them when they were new, and no one wants to sell their $1000 laser for $250... But that's the way it goes with high tech stuff. My $3000 video projector I bought 4 years ago is worth $500 now, if that. I'd rather keep it and have an extra projector I can take to parties and stuff rather than sell it at such a loss.
These guys who spent bank on super powerful lasers when they first came out simply have to realize mega-depreciation is the price you pay when you "have to have the best and the brightest" as soon as it comes out! So either just keep a perfectly good laser and have fun with it or suck it up and just accept the fact that you're going to take a big loss on it.
I mean really, I'm not a shill for WL, but how many people out there if given a choice between a 1W arctic for $300 and a 500mw scratch built for $600 would go for the scratch??
Anyway we'll see what the day brings... Maybe someone will sell me an old 300wm green for $50