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FrozenGate by Avery


Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $120

This is very similar to one of Jayrobs builds if im not mistaken, very reasonably priced! I like that build a lot! Im sure it wont still be here but if its still here tomorrow afternoon i will take it :)
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

Im intrested. I will get some money next week so I will see if I have enough to get this. Pretty sure I will though
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

Nice one Yob! I like the fact that you made this lower power. One of these days I'm going to have to get someone to build me a very low power (~30-50mw) blue pen. It would be nice to actually have a usable pointer for an office environment rather then something that will burn though the wall and blind everyone in the meeting. :p
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $120

This is very similar to one of Jayrobs builds if im not mistaken, very reasonably priced! I like that build a lot! Im sure it wont still be here but if its still here tomorrow afternoon i will take it :)

Jayrob only sells the host/heat sink (+- the driver). This is a working laser

Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

Nice one Yob! I like the fact that you made this lower power. One of these days I'm going to have to get someone to build me a very low power (~30-50mw) blue pen. It would be nice to actually have a usable pointer for an office environment rather then something that will burn though the wall and blind everyone in the meeting. :p

yeah that is kind of what I was going for here. You really don't see too many blue lasers posted FS in the <800mW range. Hopefully some folks will get good use/experience with these before they move up to the bigger ones.
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

I find this perfect, I'm kinda scared of the 1.2 watttttt monsters. yobresal I'm very very intrested in one of these 500mW with a charger and hope fully a tripod that u sell along with the other higher powerd lasers. Can u plz plz send me your paypal adresss so I can give you money. I really really Want this by the fourth... lol.
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Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

realy single mode? i was under the impression that these diodes were multimode (sure lower the mw the less modes that are active but only 1, im surprised!).

anyway im considering getting one of these off you. how long will shipping take to Pomaria SC? im leaving for about a month in 1 week and would like to get it before then. also do you have any spare goggles i could buy?

thanks, Daniel.
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

realy single mode? i was under the impression that these diodes were multimode (sure lower the mw the less modes that are active but only 1, im surprised!).

I was wondering the same thing the first time I read this. I am assuming he is talking about power modes on the laser not the diode itself. So many of the new builds do high, low, and some type of pulse.
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

is 50mW the lowest the diode will run at? If I buy one can you take it bellow 50mW for me?
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

I am assuming he is talking about power modes on the laser not the diode itself.

Yeah. He actually is talking about the power mode. The diode is multimode. You can see that by the thicker beam (compared to a DPSS) and the shape of the dot being rectangular.
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

Sorry This was meant to mean 1 operational mode. Good catch.
Re: 500mW 445nm Tiny Blue Lasers $99

Still a few more of these left for those who were interested.
