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FrozenGate by Avery

10 XJ-M140 projector's minus diodes for $200 or 5 for $125 Free US Shipping


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 24, 2010
For a limited time and back by popular demand. This time XJ-M140 projectors bodies just missing the diode blocks. They will be 10 for $200 or 5 for $125 shipped US. International I can give you a quote but you won't like it.:tinfoil: Grab them while they last. Pictures coming soon.:)


Pick them up here.:beer:



at 10$ the two fans MAKE THIS A FAIR DEAL.
they are Nidec Ultra flow and bigger than the fans from the other Kasios ~2.5"X4"- they come already mounted together in a metal frame of you can take them from the frame and use them alone- My two new DIY PJs will each have 2 of these or more. They will also keep my Lumia boxes nice and cool. One wallwart 12vdc 1A will run a pair of these and they are quiet.

or the dichros at 5$ each-two nice FS mirrors-
the knive edge array

theres a bunch of lenses- some pressure switches and a whole lot more for just10$-

check the going price of the red led..

If there are any left after SELEM I will get 5..

I will ask around and see if I can find four or nine others wanting these & we will have a box sent to SELEM-
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Just to remind people of what you're getting here:

- 1x PT-54 30W red LED (600-1050 lumens) ~ $30 @ Mouser.com
- Nidec fans as Hakzaw1 pointed out
- High quality dichro sets (I got about > 98% or so transmission/reflection if I recall)
- Large frontside mirrors
- Motors, heatsinks
- knife-edge array w/optics and front-side mirrors (if you take it apart)
- Lots of optics
- Compact 12V/10A + 5V/10A DC power supply (you could power your fans with this if you want)
- Carrying case

I'd pick some up myself, if I didn't already have 5x I got from a previous order from DTR.
back a while I got a ten pack of the A-140s from DTR- they made very nice gifts for my laser friends who had not seen these PJs- I gave one to Sam at SELEM 2011.
just check the going rate at Feebay- DTR is selling for less than half... way less.

and free shipping-- too.
So are most items and optics the same as in the A140s? I ask because I still have 5 empty projectors of those. But do these differ in any way (I guess the fan is one difference?). And are the Red LEDs the same power?
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Thanks for the answer DTR. Sounds like I won't need the M140s immediately then, but if you somehow have them for a while, I'm sure I will pick up more down the road. Thanks.
