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Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

I have answered all 5 of your PM's in the last 24 hrs in a timely manner. Please relax. Also no matter how many times you ask I do not know why you cannot burn with your laser, Maybe it broke in shipping, maybe you broke it, maybe you don't know how to use a laser, maybe you have a dead cell. I will not know for sure until I get the laser back. Understood?

Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

That's what I thought, but I do have some el-cheapo lasers from china that take them the other way around.


Were those "El-Cheapo" lasers 532nm (green)? Greenies are almost always case positive (Positive towards tail) because the IR pump diode in the DPSS module is case positive. Just a little tidbit of information ;)
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Were those "El-Cheapo" lasers 532nm (green)? Greenies are almost always case positive (Positive towards tail) because the IR pump diode in the DPSS module is case positive. Just a little tidbit of information ;)

Sure were! You know your lasers! Thanks for the information. I love learning new stuff! I should get my new yobresal in the mail tomorrow. Cant wait!
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

I have answered all 5 of your PM's in the last 24 hrs in a timely manner. Please relax. Also no matter how many times you ask I do not know why you cannot burn with your laser, Maybe it broke in shipping, maybe you broke it, maybe you don't know how to use a laser, maybe you have a dead cell. I will not know for sure until I get the laser back. Understood?

ok ok
sorry. i'm just Frown
And I was wondering maybe you can explain to me how to burn.
If you do not know it's okay
I now sent the laser
I'll bring you a tracking number
And just wait for answers
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

In order to burn best wear safety goggles, then use tge adjustable focus to make tge laser spot small, then put the focussed spot on any non-white, non-reflective, non-metal material and under a controlled environment observe the burning. This should be easy with one of these lasers (fully functional) as soon as I know what went wrong I will fill you in. Sorry for the trouble. You'll have it back ASAP
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

I was wondering if the driver is heatsinked to anything. Just a random question.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

This driver is built for continuous operation. You can leave it on much longer than you would ever think to leave the laser on. You do not need to worry about it being heatsinked.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Just wondering, how long is "you would ever think to have it on"? I mean is something like 5 minutes okay? 2, 10? Just wondering as it is my first laser of this power that does have to rest and I don't want to do any damage from thinking I could keep it on longer etc.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

2 minutes you should be ok. The laser should start to feel rather warm after about 90 seconds-120 seconds. At that point turn off and allow to cool down.

Personally I prefer even more conservative duty cycle of 90 seconds.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

I am making a video tonight of 10 of these lasers and they are all going to be left on for a couple minutes without problem. I will post it later when I am done.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Cool! Got my laser today... and all I can say is WOW!

It made a newspaper actually catch fire and burn up in like 5 seconds. and lights matches almost instantly...

After playing with it all day, and putting new batteries in it, it seems like it doesn't light stuff on fire as quick... At first, matches would almost instantly light on fire when I passed them by the beam, and now it seems to take about 5-10 seconds.

I'm pretty sure I just need to get it into focus on that "sweet spot" to get it to burn stuff good again.

Is there any tips/tricks to keeping the laser in focus? The focus ring is very easy to turn and gets off focus with just a small bump/twist. I've seen some springs or something that goes under the ring, but I don't want to mess with the laser or take it apart.

Man! I love this laser! I am going to make a review tomorrow once I get to play with it some more!

The first impression I got when I opened the package and felt of the laser, was "QUALITY" . It seems yobresal really takes pride in making these, and does a good job. My threads are o-rings were even lubed! You wont get that with any Chinese light!
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Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Glad you like it. I am considering just installing springs from now on.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Hello yobresal I am very interested in buying one, is it still on stock, and is charger included?
If it's not where can I buy one.
If it's on stock i will pay you in 2-3 days.
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Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Hello yobresal I am very interested in buying one, is it still on stock, and is charger included?
If it's not where can I buy one.
If it's on stock i will pay you in 2-3 days.

His post DOES say it comes with batteries and charger.. Good deal for $150.
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $149 shipped

Yes very good. But is it in stock?
I would love to buy one of these:drool:

A few posts up he says "I am making a video tonight of 10 of these lasers and they are all going to be left on for a couple minutes without problem. I will post it later when I am done."

Theres most likely at least 10 left :)
