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FrozenGate by Avery

PHR zilla!!! DEAD :(

Jun 16, 2009
Well after it pushing 250mW for just under 1hr of on time, I decidid to crank it UP!!! (155-165mA) and we now have a PHR diode at 333mW! yes thats right 333mW!!!
UPDATE: well I just got a peak of....364mW I am not kidding you, that is 364mW peak from a PHR. Longest run time was 70 seconds.
I will keep this updated...

@ 155-165mA-9:30min
<--- This is where it is now!

Last edited:

Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW!!!

I'm going to try that out. What's your longest duty cycle so far?
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW!!!

It seems your laser and power meter are defective... I will give you 10$ for them both. :p
But seriously thats insane! The only thing I have to say is... Wheres the burning video!?! :evil:
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW!!!

how long is expected diode life?
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW UPDATE!

I have one too, but am saving it for some unknown reason. Maybe when my GGW dies.
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW UPDATE!

Wow, I'll be damned...

I think the most important part of ovedriving is simply good heatsinking...
That Ehgemus host has a diode pocket machined in it's head, right?
No aixiz module, makes a great heatsink.

It beats GGWs so easily.
If you supply 150mA, and get 300mW out of it, with voltage of 5V,
Input powa is around 750mW, output is 300-320mW, that is like,
40-42% Efficiency!!!

Damn! Almoust double than all of other Bluray diodes.

Are you sure this is a PHR diode? I mean, you extracted it yourself?
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW UPDATE!

Dustin -- If I were you I'd say "2min duty cycle", and live happier ever after. :) If I were in your place I wouldn't push it any further than that. It's like walking out of the casino with $100 in your pocket. Yeah, you might be able to double that, but.... :)

Awesome, heh.
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW UPDATE!

What the hell, are you sure the meter is calibrated correctly? :S
Re: PHR zilla!!! 333mW UPDATE!

Grix: It -could- just be a freak diode...

Dustin: Don't blow your freak diode!
