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FrozenGate by Avery

New Boost Driver ????

I don't see any real justification for the price, but it does appear to be a new boost driver... I wonder how it is. It's non-adjustable, so that could be a drawback.
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thats true.. but i dont see how they got 331 mw at 240mA.. I know its not such a big thing for you... but from a 5mw key chain laser to a 100mw PHR to now a 200mw 6x its pretty big step up for me! that thing burnt like a beast i can't wait for mine to come!
It'll burn long enough for the customer to believe he killed it.


And look at that host. It appears to be covered in rubber or something. That's a really good way to keep all the heat from escaping :crackup:
you guys seriously dont know who that is? who had a kid recently so thats the reason they havent been on the forum..? there was a big arguement between me and him about his clear ESD bags if some of the vets remember...

wait for it.....

wait for it....

the name wannaburn ring a bell...?

All of our sensitive products are prepared in a clean room at our lab, which ensures zero contaminants during critical handling procedures.

his "clean room" is actually an extra room in his house thats no diffenent than anyone elses extra bedroom. dont be foolded by him or his "spectacular" products...
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LAWL!!! what a noob.. I remember reading something about the fight.. not the actual post tho.. i hope my 6x is as good as that.. I'm going with 175-180ma..

BTW sorry for the thread jack!
in case you couldn't figure it out, thats not him in the picture.
that's actually a NASA lab...
Well the power levels are not hard to believe as I had a SF-AW210 pusing 300mw @ 230ma without a lense. It did LED after about a month and a half of use. My next high power laser will be set for longetivity rather than extremely high power. Probably be an 8x set to around 290ma.
That driver sounds an awful lot like Igor's...

...providing specs that absolutely cannot be matched by any other 405nm driver.
I wonder what he would have to say about this...

And I may be wrong but l don't remember reading that 8x's need up to 9 volts to lase.
