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Custom 405 nm laser transit

Nov 12, 2011
Can anyon build two 500 mw lasers combined into one beam. hosts can be separate but opticaly aligned . both hosts mounted on common chassis . a theaded hole in bottom for camera stand
Anyone up for the challange?
⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮¤ \ 45° mirror
Two hosts l dichro combiner
⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮¤ ⸮--------------------*
---------------------] optics for narrow beam. burning at 100'

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the reason for 405nm is i want to make scortch mark in drywall and wood surfaces
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I'd be willing to do the design and milling/machining for the housing etc. If someone else wants to do the electronics and optics.
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Something I threw together quick:

2.5" wide x1.625" tall x 4.25" long. Tripod mounting hole centered in bottom, 3 diode holes 1" long, 1.5" long x 2" wide x 1" deep on both sides for electronics or optics. The lengths can be changed.

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Oh well. I've been thinking about that and it should not be easy...
If its a 445 build (multimode) it will require a waveplate, otherwise the laser will have a "+" far field beam pattern...

So 2 diodes + 2 lens (G2?) + 2 drivers + PBS (for combining) + waveplate (for "turning" the "+" and achieve a"-") + custom host + power supply (big batteries)... it should be more than 450$ cost. Plus alignment. Its not going to be cheap.

Its feasible... I'd try if I didn't live in a country where shipping costs 40$ for a 250 gram package :banghead:.
I'd be willing to do it if it were 2 405's. Though if it's 2 445's, I'm far from interested, never worked with a waveplate.
I'd be willing to do it if it were 2 405's. Though if it's 2 445's, I'm far from interested, never worked with a waveplate.

Are you going to build the whole thing? Or co-ordinate the build. The challenge.is that it must leave burn mark in drywall or wood at more than Fifty feet away within a second or two.
Are you going to build the whole thing? Or co-ordinate the build. The challenge.is that it must leave burn mark in drywall or wood at more than Fifty feet away within a second or two.

That's not really something you can spec out for people to build.
I was going to do the electronic aspect. Though I don't have 50ft, or wood that I'm willing to mark besides my wall, so I guess I'm dropping out completely. Unless you want someone to just build you a 1W+ 405. I can do that.
Are you going to build the whole thing? Or co-ordinate the build. The challenge.is that it must leave burn mark in drywall or wood at more than Fifty feet away within a second or two.

That's a tall order to fill as far as power and alignment in a custom build, if even possible with the 500mw 405nm diodes that aren't necessarily reliable.
We thats why Im calling on the best of the best. and comming to this fourum to see if it can be done..or get a diffferent system built such as a dual 445 with great optics
